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HPC II End of Course Experience

0x0: Presentation

0x1: Preparation

0x2: Accomplishments

  • A year ago I didn't know very much about programming. In the past year, after taking C++, writing a Python tutorial, doing some work with Java in HPC Systems and Networking, and working with Assembly in Computer Organization I've certainly learned a lot.
  • Back in 2009, if I had been asked if I'd enjoyed programming the answer would have likely been a big no. I certainly wouldn't have guessed that a year and a half later I've managed to pick up a decent understanding of 5 languages (Bash, C/C++, Java, Python, 6502 Assembly).
  • Despite having a pretty handle on the languages themselves, I don't know a whole lot about making the hardware do things. For HPC Systems and Networking, I did learn a bit about socket programming and midi programming.
  • Like I said before, one of my biggest holes is hardware, whether it's programming for it or simply tinkering around with it. Python has a lot of system libraries for doing various things. Socket programming in Python seems to be fairly simple. I could start with that and see what else I can get in to. As far as rummaging inside of a computer, I could learn the way I learned most computer related things before going to CCC, find an old PC that doesn't mean much and tinker with it, tear it apart and see if I can put it back together and what kind of additions I can make to it.

0x3: My Perspective

  • I'm not sure why but I always go with the B. I guess I want a decent grade but never quite justify asking for an A.
  • Over the semester I worked on various projects: Python Tutorial, toying with the camera, finally getting a Mac OS virtual machine, and although I didn't get finished but getting acquainted with the nSound library for Python. I did most of the journals I believe, missed one or two.
  • Like the other HPC courses, it was very fun. It gives you the chance to go off and explore things in your own direction. In my cases, it's given me a lot of chances to read up and work with all kinds programming stuff.
  • Least favorite aspect… Really I can't think of anything to complain about. It was flexible on time, interesting material to work on, and it was fun as always.
  • Something meaningful… Well, after struggling last semester on getting any VM up and running properly I finally got the Mac VM. After that I'd say I feel fairly accomplished.
user/bh011695/portfolio/hpc2_eoce.txt · Last modified: 2011/05/18 19:45 by bh011695