Successfully install and run a Mac OS X virtual machine in Virtual Box
Virtual Box Securable Mac OS X ISO by Hazard
Why would we want to install Snow Leopard inside our Windows or Linux box? Maybe we just want to try it out and we're not ready to throw down the big bucks or the means to build our own HackNtosh. Perhaps we just need to add another OS to our collection. Whatever the case, using Virtual Box is the most straight forward way to go about installing OS X. We'll walk through all the steps to successfully install and run Mac OS X inside Virtual Box.
First thing's first, download and install Securable. This will check to see if you're CPU supports hardware virtualization. If it doesn't, you're dead in the water.
Once you've established that your CPU supports hardware virtualization, download and install virtual box on your machine.
Next we want to dump disk to the hard drive. Enter the following into the command line and wait for dd to finish its work. This command will take the contents of the disk and save it as osx.iso.
lab46:~/dd if=/dev/sr0 of=osx.iso
lab46$~:/ cd /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration
lab46$~:/ vi