#!/bin/bash # CENT_IN_INCH=2.54 GRAM_IN_POUND=453.59 echo "***************************************" echo -n "*Enter height in feet (0 to quit): " read heightFeet echo -n "*Enter inches (0 to quit): " read heightInches feetAndInches=`echo "$heightFeet+$heightInches" | bc -l` while [ "$feetAndInches" -ne 0 ] do echo -n "*Enter weight in pounds: " read weightPounds heightInInches=`echo "$heightInches+$heightFeet*12" | bc -l` heightCm=`echo "$heightInInches*$CENT_IN_INCH" | bc -l` weightGrams=`echo "$weightPounds*$GRAM_IN_POUND" | bc -l` gownSize=`echo "$heightCm+$weightGrams/3" | bc -l ` roundedGownSize=`echo "scale=3; $gownSize/1" | bc` echo "*Gown size: $roundedGownSize" echo "***************************************" echo -n "*Enter height in feet (0 to quit): " read heightFeet echo -n "*Enter inches (0 to quit): " read heightInches feetAndInches=`echo "$heightFeet+$heightInches" | bc -l` done