There really isn't a whole lot to this. The install was fairly straight forward on this one. The usual click next and wait for the most part.
I'm jotting this down just for the sake of doing so in case either A) I forget or B) somebody else needs to know how to do this. Personally, I found trying to make a C/C++ program in Xcode a bit cryptic. I think it was a good hour or so before I had figured out how to do it properly. So, in the event that someone else has the same problem, here we are.
Okay, with the installation out of the way we can go to the meat of this. This is where I found things to get kind of awkward. The option to make a C/C++ is a bit hidden, or at least the right one is anyway. There's a bunch of C/C++ things that you might think are what you want but aren't. This is why things are a little weird here.
And there you have it. Hopefully that clears up doing C/C++ in Xcode.