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Linux/*BSD Desktop Install

This is a HOWTO for the Ubuntu 9.10 “Karmic Koala” OS.


To install an linux base operating system that will do what we want :)


Recommended Minimum System Requirements

  • 1 GHz x86 processor
  • 1GB of system memory (RAM)
  • 15GB of hard-drive space (although this can be split onto 2 drives, a 5Gb / and a 10Gb /home fairly easily)
  • Graphics card and monitor capable of 1024 by 768
  • Either a CD/DVD Drive or a USB port (or both)
  • Internet access is helpful


A good understanding of how partitioning will may be needed, and a understanding of how IDE Pata hard drives work. Also depending how you are going to install your operating system understanding how to burn an live CD or using a usb will be needed. Last understanding of the CMOS setup and how it works on your machine.


Step 1

 Here you can try Ubuntu at this time or simply install, for this HOWTO simply installed it 

 After entering the install option you will be prompted to choose your language, 
please do so. Hear on out just choose the appropriate options and click forward. 

Next you will be prompted the timezone, this is for your system clock.

 Next you will be asked the layout of your keyboard. standard for English keyboard is default
 so just click forward.

 Almost done this step is for the partitioning of the hard-drive. For simple install just
do a complete install over the whole hard-drive. For more advances users this is where you choose 
to partition part of the hard-drive.

 This is whatever you wish to input for your user name and password. Computer name is
what other computers will see over a network. Default user name and computer name get the named
the same unless you change it. Also for security you will want to choose input your password
on logins. 

This is just a review of the configurations you have for the install, if anything is 
wrong just click back and change it. Else click forward.

 Finally done just wait for the install and let it reboot NOW you have a linux machine enjoy


user/afassett/portfolio/linuxinstall.txt · Last modified: 2011/05/12 03:04 by afassett