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The Wall

For Computer Science Majours

Journal entry of fall/2011
Journal entry of spring/2010


Bad commands

To Do List


  • Clean up wiki page.(always ongoing).
  • Research on multiplexing in c++


These topics may have no direct connection With C.S. however are the back-bone to how theories or functions are implemented in this field.


Subject: Bilingual Programming Lanuages

Subject: MVC 3

Current Projects

When enough research has been made, a project most be formed. Unless it falls in the category where does not be need to be researched further than has been explained. Some projects are simply research, and using the term “project” will be used as an individual or collaborative enterprise planning and designing where in some case leds to a goal.

Project: Banana Phone

Project: C_Imprave

Project: Monster Machine

Project:Cluster monster



Old Projects


Miscellaneous Idea's


user/afassett/start.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/21 23:56 by afassett