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Old Projects


Ok i went to eggdrop read a lot of the install stuff and wget in putty let the website said, then tar -xvvf i believe than from there install config. From there i just vi and configered the bot and well the teacher helped me killed all the monsters or bugs. Than he did something like magic with the telnet and got the bot to know it was me and from there is was a snap. Dera helped me as well and showed me about megahal and she installed on her bot a module in it's file. now it speak in poke mon form…. must of the man's or the eggdrop website was helpful, until i got to the telneting to the bot had problem with it. planing to add the megahal to my bot from one of the guys(not sure what he's name was) talked about rebootin the bot after installing .rehash would reboot the bot i believe. well that's all i can remember besided all the reading….


Project:Shell Scripting

Main Quest
Side Quest

Project:Pattern Matching

basic information: week 5 Journal Entry
Full Information: Week 7 Journal Entry

Project: FreeMobo


This is a project for modding and making information available for proprietary components.


Used my Pentium 4 machines and moved them into more practical cases

Dell P4's

Dell Dimision 4550 J9K2 pinout
Dell Dimision 4600C J9K3 Pinout
Project is scrapped due to the motherboards malfunctioning.

external->internal HDD

Project: New Game Plus

Project:Paper Weight


Purpose is to use the only thing good to come out of adobe(.pds) and use Google's translator with it; as well other advantages. Workin' on the theory of what if Command line environment was forced how would I view pdf' and making pdf's cli friendly. evince is the command to call pdf's from an cli and view it in an gui without a mouse. Here are some information on pdf's.
Example of an website translated,page was in .de((german))


Here until Java tutorial is seen fit and using this project as head project.
Research in progress toward Java, Music.

user/afassett/old_projects.txt · Last modified: 2012/09/20 15:06 by afassett