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datacomm Keyword 1



A programming language to communicate and execute the basic functions of telephony services.

datacomm Keyword 1 Phase 2

SIP - Session Initiation Protocol


SIP is a signalling protocol. I would guess that that means it is a certain method of having machines communicate. It is typically used for voice and video communication. SIP can be used for two-party (unicast) and multiparty (multicast).

You can modify IPs and ports, invite more people, and add/delete media streams.

SIP can take care of 5 things:

  • User Location - Figures out what system will be used for the call.
  • User Availability - Determining the availability of the user.
  • User Capabilities - Determining how the call will be made (voice, video, etc).
  • Session Setup - The making of the session, making the ringing happen.
  • Session Management - Transferring, terminating, and modifying the call.

At first I had no idea what SIP was all about and had difficulty understanding it. Now I have a pretty good understanding, I think. I'll probably ask about it next class to make sure I am right, but I feel like SIP is basically just a 'code' of how machines communicate. Just like how humans use English, or Spanish, or Arabic. Computers can use SIP.

On further research, the analogy is fairly sound, but needs a little bit more to it. SIP is basically a specific format that machines can use to communicate. It's a set of certain things that need to be done while communicating. It's not like a language…. it's more like the RULES behind a language.



A demonstration of SIP would be the conversation with another sip registered member and its options. The options/steps are as follows:

INVITE - invites another registered sip to the call with your registered sip.

ACK - acknowledges the request and sends a retrieval of the request acknowledgement.

BYE - ends the conversation between the two sip registered members of the call.

Other things that can happen during a sip situation include but are not limited to:

CANCEL - requesting information about the remote server you are contacting.

OPTIONS - requesting to be registered with the remote server you are trying to contact.

opus/fall2012/jpettie/datacommpart1.txt · Last modified: 2012/09/30 23:34 by jpettie