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Project: Doubly Linked List Library Implementation

A project for Matt Haas' Fall 2011 Data Structures class.

This project was done over the month of October, but was worked on for about a week in terms of days in which programming this implementation.


The purpose of this lab is to create linked list manipulating functions, make a library from these functions, then write a program that implements this library.


In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:

  • understand functions
  • understand pointers
  • understand structs
  • understand malloc()
  • ability to create a linked data structure


As previously stated, I am trying to make a linked list library implementation. In doing so, I will have gained an understanding of a linked list, which is our basis for learning about data structures. This lets one create a list of data that can be accessed by moving back and forth.


To better utilize the functionality of the doubly linked list we've been studying in class, a personal implementation for use as a library will be undertaken for use in other projects and activities this semester.

Working from the class example, a library implementation will be created which has the following functions:

  • create: generate a new node
  • append: add a new node to the list after a given node
  • remove: remove a node from the list
  • search: find if a node exists (likely search by value)
  • insert: add a new node to the list before a given node
  • copy: duplicate an existing node
  • copy list: duplicate the current list of nodes
  • display: display current list

Creating a header file will be in order, which will contain the function prototypes of all of the above. The code will be implemented across several files .

There will also be a sample implementation (ie a file with a main()) that will include the header file and demonstrate this library being created (it will link against it to compile).


  • pointers: pointers are at the heart of dynamic structures.
  • malloc/new: dynamic memory allocation.
  • linked lists: this code is going to implement linked lists.
  • doubly linked lists: not only is the code implementing a linked list, it is implementing doubly linked lists.
  • libraries: this code will be part of a library that can be reused in other projects
  • file I/O: The manager in the main function uses the library to take input and give output.



 * Doubly Linked List Library - a doubly linked list implementation
 * Fall2011 Data Structures
// Include files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dlllib.h"
unsigned int makeChoice();
// main function
int main()
	// initialize variables
	start = end = tmp = tmp2 = NULL;
	unsigned int choice, created=0;
	printf("Welcome to Linked List Manager!\n\n");
	while(created == 0)
		if(start != NULL)
			printf("Please create a list.\n");
	while(choice != 0)
		else if(choice==2)
		else if(choice==3)
		else if(choice==4)
		else if(choice==5)
		else if(choice==6)
		if (start == NULL)
unsigned int makeChoice()
	unsigned int choice=-1;
	while ((choice < 0)  || (choice > 6))
		printf(" =============================================================");
		printf("\n|| Choose a function to execute (0 to quit):                 ||\n");
		printf(" =============================================================\n");
		printf("|| (1: Display list) || (2: Append node) || (3: Insert node) ||\n");
		printf("|| (4: Remove node)  || (5: Copy node)   || (6: Copy list)   ||\n"); 
		printf(" =============================================================\n\nInput: ");
		scanf("%d", &choice);
		if ((choice < 0) || (choice > 6))
			printf("\n!!ERROR!! Please enter a valid value.\n");


 * Doubly Linked List Library - a doubly linked list implementation
 * Fall2011 Data Structures
#ifndef _DLLLIB_H
#define _DLLLIB_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Create our node structure
struct node {
	int value;
	struct node *next;
	struct node *prev;
typedef struct node Node;
int create();
int append();
int removeNode();
int search();
int insert();
int deleteList();
int copyList();
int copy();
int displayList();
int input, input2;
Node *start, *end, *tmp, *tmp2;


#include "dlllib.h"
int create()
	// initialize variables
	start = end = tmp = tmp2 = NULL;
	printf("Enter a value (-1 to quit): ");
	scanf("%d", &input);
	// build our list
	while (input != -1)
		if (start == NULL) // we have an empty list
			start = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node));
			end = start; // only one node, start and end are same
			start -> next = NULL; // nothing after
			start -> prev = NULL; // nothing before
			tmp = start; // tmp points to beginning of list
			start -> value = input; // enter value into node
		else // there is something in our list
			tmp = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node));
			end -> next = tmp; // tack new node onto end of list
			tmp -> prev = end; // new node points to current end
			end = end -> next; // advance end to new end
			end -> value = input; // put input in node
			end -> next = NULL; // nothing beyond end
		printf("Enter a value (-1 to quit): ");
		scanf("%d", &input);


#include "dlllib.h"
int append()
	int i=0;
	while(tmp != NULL)
	printf("Enter a value for the appended node: ");
	scanf("%d", &input);
	tmp = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node));
	end -> next = tmp; // tack new node onto end of list
	tmp -> prev = end; // new node points to current end
	end = end -> next; // advance end to new end
	end -> value = input; // put input in node
	end -> next = NULL; // nothing beyond end


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dlllib.h"
int insert()
	// Insert a new node
	int i=0;
	printf("Enter node position to insert before: ");
	scanf("%d", &input);
	tmp = start;
	for(i=0; i<input; i++) //position tmp at node to insert before
		tmp = tmp -> next;
	printf("Enter a value for new node: ");
	scanf("%d", &input2);
	if (start == NULL) // if our list is empty
		start = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node));
		end = tmp = start;
		start -> prev = NULL;
		end -> prev = NULL;
		start -> value = input2;
	else if (start == tmp) // we're inserting before start of list
		tmp2 = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node));
		tmp2 -> next = start; // point new node's next at start
		start -> prev = tmp2; // point start's prev at tmp2
		start = start -> prev; // move start to new node
		start -> value = input2; // put value in node
	else // we're inserting before a node in the list
		tmp2 = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node));
		tmp2 -> next = tmp; // point new node's next at tmp
		tmp2 -> prev = tmp -> prev; // point new node's prev at tmp's prev
		tmp -> prev -> next = tmp2; // tmp's previous next is new node
		tmp -> prev = tmp2; // tmp's prev is new node
		tmp2 -> value = input2; // put value in node


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dlllib.h"
int copy()
	int i;	
	printf("Enter node # to copy: ");
	scanf("%d", &input);
	// Move tmp to exact node we wish to copy
	for(i=0; i<input; i++)
		tmp = tmp -> next;
	tmp2 = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node));
	end -> next = tmp2; // tack new node onto end of list
	tmp2 -> prev = end; // new node points to current end
	end = end -> next; // advance end to new end
	end -> value = tmp-> value; // put value of copied node in node
	end -> next = NULL; // nothing beyond end


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dlllib.h"
int search()
	//Find if node exists (search by value)
	printf("Enter a value to search for: ");
	scanf("%d", &input);
	int i = 0;
	int found=0; //if found = 0, then no node matches the search.
	while (tmp != NULL)
		if(tmp->value == input)
			printf("Node at position [%d] matches the search value.\n", i);
			printf("Node [%d]: %d\nSearch value: %d\n\n", i, tmp->value, input);
		tmp = tmp -> next;
	if (found == 0)
		printf("No node matches the search value.\n");


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dlllib.h"
int copyList()
	//Copy entire list.
	int i=0;
	int copyFor;
	while (tmp != NULL)
		tmp = tmp->next;
	tmp2 = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node));
	end -> next = tmp2; // tack new node onto end of list
	tmp2 -> prev = end; // new node points to current end
	end = end -> next; // advance end to new end
	end -> value = tmp-> value; // put value of copied node in node


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dlllib.h"
int displayList()
	// Display our linked list
	int i = 0;
	tmp = start;
	while (tmp != NULL)
		printf("[%d] value: %d\n", i, tmp -> value);
		tmp = tmp -> next;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "dlllib.h"
int removeNode()
	// Remove a node from the list
	tmp = start;
	int i=0;
	printf("Enter node # to delete: ");
	scanf("%d", &input);
	// Move tmp to exact node we wish to delete
	for(i=0; i<input; i++)
		tmp = tmp -> next;
	if ((tmp != start) && (tmp != end))
		tmp -> next -> prev = tmp -> prev;
		// The node after points to the node before tmp
		tmp -> prev -> next = tmp -> next;
		// Now, the now before points to the node after tmp
		tmp -> prev = NULL;
		tmp -> next = NULL;
		// tmp is now disconnected from the list
		free (tmp); // deallocate the node tmp is pointing to
	else if (start == end) // list is only a single node
	else if (tmp == start)
		tmp -> next -> prev = NULL;
		// The node following tmp is no longer pointing to us
		start = start -> next;
		// Adjust start to point to the new start of the list
		tmp -> next = NULL; // Disconnect tmp from the list
		free(tmp); // deallocate the node tmp is pointing to
	else // tmp is equal to end
		tmp -> prev -> next = NULL;
		// The node preceding tmp is no longer pointing to us
		end = end -> prev;
		// Adjust end to point to the new end of the list
		tmp -> prev = NULL; // Disconnect tmp from the list
		free(tmp); // deallocate the node tmp is pointing to


This is how to compile and execute:

lab46:~/src/data/dlllib$ ar rcs libdll.a *.o
lab46:~/src/data/dlllib$ gcc -o testimple main.c -L. -ldll
lab46:~/src/data/dlllib$ ./testimple


I had some problems with my node removing function. Rather than having a function that removes a list, I settled for a single node deleting function that can be run until the list is gone. Overall, this is a very important project, because it lays the foundation for the rest of the class, really. It is a big hurdle to get over, but once you do, there is a lot to be learned from going back and using this project.


In performing this project, the following resources were referenced:

  • Matt Haas
  • Fellow classmates (simple discussion about the aspects of our personal implementations)
  • C Programming Language O'Reilly Pocket Reference
user/tgalpin2/portfolio/libdll.txt · Last modified: 2011/12/16 18:29 by tgalpin2