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Linux Desktop Install

  1. Setup Boot sequence for legacy hardware of ethernet interface, Restarted Computer
  2. Setup Boot sequence for ethernet as first boot device, Restarted Computer
  3. After Restart, I was prompted with what type of system i was running, i chose 32 bit
  4. Next I was prompted with which package of linux to install, Chose Debian
  5. Next I was prompted with which version to install, i selected Lenny/stable [gui]
  6. Asked to test video mode, or continue with spacebar, chose continue
  7. Asked what language, i chose english
  8. Asked what country, Chose United States
  9. Asked what keymap to use, chose American English
  10. Several screens appeared, eventually i was aksed to create a hostname, i made mine TIM-COLLINS-DEBIAN
  11. The domain name is asked next, already inputted was the domain i was in(offbyone.lan)
  12. List of countires for mirror appeared, i procedded all the way to the top and entered manually
  13. Asked hostname of mirror, i typed in mirror
  14. Asked what mirror directory, it was already filled with /debian/ so hit enter
  15. Asked if i needed a proxy(i did not, so hit enter to continue, leaving the field blank)
  16. The install procedded to downloaded the neccissary files
  17. Asked what time zone, i chose Eastern
  18. Asked what partitioning method to use, i chose Guided - use entire disk
  19. Asked what disk partition to use, chose IDE1 master(hda)
  20. Asked which scheme of partitioning to use(chose all files ion one partition)
  21. Showed me the current partition setup, chose “Finish partitioning and write changes to disk”
  22. Asked to write changes to disk, chose Yes
  23. Began installation
  24. Asked for root password, I set mine to root
  25. Asked to verify password, re-enterd root
  26. Asked for Full name for new user, I set mine to Tim Collins
  27. Asked for username(mine already set to tim, so i hit enter)
  28. Asked for password of new user(i set mine to tim for now)
  29. asked to verify password(re-enter tim)
  30. Begins installing
  31. During installation i was propted if i could allow the installation information to be collected for statistics, i chose yes
  32. During installation i was asked what software i wanted to install, i chose Desktop environment(already selected), Standard system(Already Selected), hit enter
  33. Installation of grub
  34. Grub prompts if it should be install as master boot, i chose yes
  35. Prompts that it needs to restart
  36. removed ethernet cord
  37. hit enter
  38. devian started up

Debian VM Server Install

  1. Hit F12 for the boot menu when the system starts
  2. Go to the BIOS setup and change the option for the network controller to On w/ PXE and reboot
  3. Hit F12 and boot from the integrated NIC
  4. Choose 32-Bit Debian Lenny, text install
  5. Choose the language for the install
  6. Choose United States with American English keymap
  7. Keep the hostname and domain name the same
  8. Choose manual entry of information for mirror country and enter mirror
  9. Keep the package directory and proxy information the same
  10. Choose eastern time for the time zone
  11. Choose guided partition, use entire disk
  12. Choose the only hard drive
  13. Set the partitioning to put all files in one partition
  14. Finish partitioning and write changes to disks
  15. Set root password
  16. Set the username and password for the user
  17. Select not to participate in package usage survey
  18. Uncheck all package information in the choosing functions section and reboot once complete
  19. Delete /etc/apt/sources.list and then wget it from
  20. Perform aptitude update and aptitude upgrade
  21. Change the contents of /etc/modules to be 'loop max_loop=255'
  22. Perform aptitude install xen-linux-system-2.6.26-2-xen-686 xen-tools
  23. Confirm vif-script and vif-bridge is set and set network-bridge and network-script in /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp, ensure no spaces at start of line
  24. Add 'dom0_mem=262144' to the end of the kernel option in the first section of the grub menu in /boot/grub/menu.lst
  25. Delete the two entries directly below the first kernel section
  26. Change the contents of /etc/xen-tools/xen-tools.conf to be the same as the blocked text on the project page
  27. Create the directories /xen, /xen/images, /xen/boot, /xen/conf, and /xen/save and reboot
  28. install openssh-server openssh-client at command line

Create Virtual Maching

  1. Log into the virtual server
  2. Create a virtual machine through the following command line: xen-create-image –hostname=vm## –mac=00:16:3E:2E:C0:## –role=udev
  3. ## = number in hex(i.e: '01' = 1, '0A' = 10, '20' = 32)
  4. after it is done creating the vm server you are prompted to give root a password
  5. after that is done type: xm create -c ../conf/vm##.cfg
  6. login into the virtual machine
  7. cd into /etc/apt
  8. remove the file sources.list
  9. wget
  10. type: aptitude update
  11. type: aptitude upgrade
  12. Now enjoy

Setting up a Network File System(NFS)

Setting up the server

  1. Log into the virtual machine that well server as root
  2. type aptitude intstall nfs-kernel-server
  3. reboot the vm, (reboot command)
  4. Log into the virtual machine again
  5. edit the file /etc/exports
  6. add line: /var/ftp (folder to share, network and/or host, (options))
  7. type exportfs

Setting up the client

  1. Log into the virtual machine that well be client as root
  2. type aptitude install nfs-common
  3. reboot the vm, (reboot command)
  4. Log into the virtual machine again
  5. mount /mnt (Host:Dir MntDir)

Setting up autofs(Auto file mounting)

  1. Setup client and server first
  2. aptitude install autofs
  3. vi /etc/auto.master (assuming server is setup to share home dir, and all subdir's)
  4. put: /home /etc/auto.home
  5. save and exit
  6. vm /etc/auto.home
  7. put: * serverIP/Hostname:/home (* means to mount same path's local i.e: /home on server, becomes /home locally
  8. run: /etc/init.d/autofs restart
  9. cd into /home =-)
user/tcolli12/projects/start.txt · Last modified: 2010/03/30 19:30 by tcolli12