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  Name: Samantha Weller 
  Course and Section
  Due Date: a long way from now.
  Assignment # and description
  Short abstract describing the purpose of your program / assignment.



Writing a program that will arrange the numbers 1-9 and the letters A-C and place them in random order on the screen in the pattern of a keypad. Then use the coordinates and the number at those coordinates to unlock the pad.



Concept Attributes

  1. Attribute
    1. stuff
  2. Attribute
  3. Attribute
  4. Attribute
  5. Attribute



This is a security Keypad that is rearranged so that the keys A)don't line up like they did the last time, B)that it will generate a key pattern different almost every time(ie. it should not just shift one left or right). It will not move the commander keys at the bottom of the keypad. Then using the what was placed in each key to mach the pin that will unlock the pad. If |[R]| is used the pad will reset and get a new pattern. |[D]| will display the keys that you have already entered. |[E]| will enter the pin and run to see if the correct pin has been entered. |[Q]| is to quit.


Source Code



user/sweller5/portfolio/keypad.txt · Last modified: 2011/10/24 17:38 by sweller5