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Project 1: Sending Data via Sound

This project was undertaken during the Fall2012 semester in the DataComm CSCS2700 class.


To send information using sound waves (using cans and string as a medium for the sound).


Cans and string, two machines with speakers and micorphones and a program called 'minimodem'.


We're going to try to send information via sound.
The medium is going to be the string and cans.
Minimodem is the program that will handle translating data to sound and back to data again.


Test minimodem running on two machines.
Once that's confirmed to work, we setup two cans and string and see if the data will transfer over that.
Sadly, it BARELY worked.
I think we got a total of maybe half a word out of numerous attempts. There was too much distortion with the cans and string.
A solution would be to build a solid base where the cans and string don't move, but we don't really have the room or resources to construct basically a 10 foot by 1 foot table.
We did test an AV cable, straight from one machines output to another machines input and it worked really well. So the idea is solid - it's just the medium has to be very good, in which case 2 cans and a string doesn't offer a good enough retention of data.


Pressley is the one who figured out the minimodem deal. It was really awesome.

user/smalik2/portfolio/datacommproject1.txt · Last modified: 2012/12/12 16:46 by smalik2