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<html> <script language=“JavaScript”> document.title = “[Lab46][ASM End of Course Experience]”; </script> <style> .asm {

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<html> <p style=“font-size:24pt; font-weight:bold; margin:0em; padding:0em; line-height:20pt;”>End of Course Experience</p> <hr style=“height:2px; background-color:#000000; border:none; padding:0em; margin:0em 2em 0em;” /> </html>

Part 1: Questions

System Calls


A system call is the means by which an assembly program interacts directly with the operating system's kernel.

For example, the system call for exiting a program:

   mov   eax, 1   ;Putting 1 into eax represents exit program
   mov   ebx, 0   ;Putting 0 in to ebx means return 0
   int   0x80     ;Activate Interrupt 80h (the system kernel on linux)



A register is a memory space directly on the CPU. Variables in higher languages exist off CPU in the system memory.


The general use registers on the x86 CPU are EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX and they each hold 32 bits of binary data.


Registers store everything in binary (0s & 1s), and therefore have no data type. The only difference is the number of bits that each register can hold – some are 32 bits, some are 16 bits, and some are 8 bits.



The stack is a Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) memory space that is often utilized for saving the current state of a register for later retrieval.

For example, to save and restore the state of the ecx register:

   mov   ecx, 1   ;Puts 1 into ecx
   push  ecx      ;Adds 1 onto the stack for ecx
   mov   ecx, 2   ;2 is now stored in ecx
   pop   ecx      ;1 is removed from the stack and placed back into ecx



Branches, or jumps (jmp) are typically used for goto functionality, for looping operations, and for conditional based logic decisions (if-then-else). Loops and conditional jumps are preceded by a comparison (cmp) instruction, which sets zero flag (ZF) and carry flag (CF) accordingly. The cmp instruction also can also set other flags, but these two are used the most frequently when beginning to learn x86 ASM.

For straight jumps:

   jmp   myJump   ;Would jump to the label myJump

For conditional jumps:

   cmp   eax, ebx ;If both ZF and CF are unset, then eax is greater than ebx.
                  ;If ZF is set, and CF is unset, then eax is equal to ebx.
                  ;If ZF is unset and CF is set, then eax is less than ebx.

Followed by:

   ja    myJump   ;Would jump to the label myJump if eax is greater than ebx
   jae   myJump   ;Would jump if eax is greater than or equal to ebx
   je    myJump   ;Would jump if eax is equal to ebx
   jne   myJump   ;Would jump if eax is not equal to ebx
   jb    myJump   ;Would jump if eax less is than ebx
   jbe   myJump   ;Would jump if eax is less than or equal to ebx

There are more jump commands than these, but they are the main ones used for loops and if-then-else.



Labels are used as a symbolic means of identifying a particular portion of code to be referred to by other parts of the program. They are most commonly used in conjunction with jmp and call instructions. Jumps go to the location of label and begin executing instructions in sequence without returning. A call on the other hand will return back to the sequence from which the call instruction originated when the code sequence after a label uses a ret (return) instruction.


It is necessary have a specific means to symbolically identify the start of a program, otherwise the computer does not know where to begin. Typically, most high level languages begin program execution with a function called “main”. Assembly, depending on the compiler you use will typically use the labels “_start” or “_asm_main” to identify the start of the program.

Part 2: Programs

EoCE Macro File

<html><p style=“margin:0em; padding:0em; line-height:50%;”>All programs written for the EoCE make use of a macro file named 0x0.mac</p></html>

; Raymond Young
; 0x0.mac
   %define           sysExit 0x1
   %define           sysWrite 0x4
   %define           sysRead 0x3
   %define           sysScreen 0x1
   %define           sysConsole 0x1
   %define           sysKernel 0x80
segment  .data
   asciiNewline      db 0xA, 0x0
segment  .bss
;  Data Management Macros
   %macro            macCopyTo 2
   ; Copies %1 to %2
      mov            ecx, %1
      mov            ebx, %2
      mov            edx, [ecx]
      mov            [ebx], edx
   %endmacro;        macCopyTo
;  Character Manipulation Macros
   %macro            macAtoI 1
   ; Converts the ASCII character in %1 to an integer
   ; Example: '0' (0x30) -> 'null' (0x0)
      mov            ecx, %1
      mov            edx, [ecx]
      and            edx, 0xF
      mov            [ecx], edx
   %endmacro;        macAtoI
   %macro            macItoA 1
   ; Converts the integer in %1 to an ASCII character
   ; Example: 'null' (0x0) -> '0' (0x30)
      mov            ecx, %1
      mov            edx, [ecx]
      or             edx, 0x30
      mov            [ecx], edx
   %endmacro;        macItoA
;  String Manipulation Macros
   %macro            macInsrtNl 1
   ; Inserts the newline character at the current
   ; location of ecx
      mov            edx, 0xA
      mov            [%1], edx
   %endmacro;        macInsertNl
   %macro            macInsrtNul 1
   ; Inserts the null character at the current
   ; location of ecx
      mov            edx, 0x0
      mov            [%1], edx
   %endmacro;        macInsertNul
   %macro            macApndEOS 1
   ; Appends "end of string" (Newline & Null characters
   ; at the current location of %1
   ; requires ecx to point to the end of the string
      macInsrtNl     %1
      inc            %1
      macInsrtNul    %1
   %endmacro;        macApndEOS
;  Input / Output System Calls
   %macro            macPrint 2
      mov            eax, sysWrite
      mov            ebx, sysScreen
      mov            ecx, %1
      mov            edx, %2
   %endmacro;        macPrint
   %macro            macRead 2
      mov            eax, sysRead
      mov            ebx, sysConsole
      mov            ecx, %1
      mov            edx, %2
   %endmacro;        macRead
   %macro            macNewline 0
      macPrint       asciiNewline, 1
   %endmacro;        macNewline
   %macro            macCleanExit 0
      mov            eax, sysExit
      xor            ebx, ebx
   %endmacro;        macCleanExit
   %macro            macKernel 0
      int            sysKernel
   %endmacro;        macKernel

Adding without Addtion


<html><p style=“margin:0em; padding:0em; line-height:50%;”>Performing bit-wise arithmetic</p></html>

; Raymond Young
; 0x8.asm
%include             '0x0.mac'
segment  .bss
   sum         resb  0xF
   carry       resb  0xF
segment  .data
   msg1        db    'Enter a number: ', 0x0
   msg2        db    'Enter another: ', 0x0
segment  .text
   global            _start
; create a clean working environment
   enter             0, 0
; get the first number
   macPrint          msg1, 17
   macRead           sum, 0xF
; get the second number
   macPrint          msg2, 16
   macRead           carry, 0xF
; convert the ascii values to integer values
   macAtoI           sum
   macAtoI           carry
; add them using bit-wise arithmetic
   ; find the sum using xor
      ; place the first number in ecx
      mov            ecx, [sum]
      ; place the second number in edx
      mov            edx, [carry]
      ; save edx to the stack
      push           edx
      ; xor ecx against edx and store the result in edx
      xor            edx, ecx
      ; save the result to the sum
      mov            [sum], edx
   ; find the carry using and
      ; retriev the second number from the edx stack
      pop            edx
      ; and ecx against edx and store the result in edx
      and            edx, ecx
      ; bit shift the result to the left by 1 bit
      shl            edx, 0x1
      ; save the result to the carry
      mov            [carry], edx
      ; check to see if the carry is equal to 0
      cmp            edx, 0x0
      ; if the carry is not 0 we need to repeat xor & and
   jne              _addloop
; convert the integer value to an ascii value
   macItoA           sum
; append the end of string identifier
   mov               ecx, sum
   inc               ecx
   macApndEOS        ecx
; display the results
   macPrint          sum, 0xF
; exit cleanly

Swapping Values


<html><p style=“margin:0em; padding:0em; line-height:50%;”>Swapping values using registers</p></html>

; Raymond Young
; 0x9.asm
%include             "0x0.mac"
segment  .bss
   abc         resb  0xFF
   def         resb  0xFF
segment  .data
   msg1        db    'Enter 1st character: ', 0x0
   msg2        db    'Enter 2nd character: ', 0x0
segment  .text
   global            _start
; create a clean working environment
   enter             0, 0
; get the first character
   macPrint          msg1, 21
   macRead           abc, 0xFF
; get the second character
   macPrint          msg2, 21
   macRead           def, 0xFF
; perform the character swap
   ; place the first character in eax
   mov               eax, [abc]
   ; place the second character in ebx
   mov               ebx, [def]
   ; swap them
   xchg              eax, ebx
   ; store the swapped characters
   mov               [abc], eax
   mov               [def], ebx
; display the results
   macPrint          abc, 0xFF
   macPrint          def, 0xFF
; exit cleanly

Reversing Strings


<html><p style=“margin:0em; padding:0em; line-height:50%;”>Reversing a string</p></html>

; Raymond Young
; 0xA.asm
%include             "0x0.mac"
segment  .bss
   abc         resb  0xFF
   def         resb  0xFF
segment  .data
   msg1        db    'Enter a string: ', 0x0
segment  .text
   global            _start
; create a clean working environment
   enter             0, 0
; get our input string
   macPrint          msg1, 17
   macRead           abc, 0xFF
; prepare the edx stack
   ; put a leading newline onto the stack
   mov               edx, 0xA
   ; place the pointer to our input string in ecx
   mov               ecx, abc
   ; place the pointer to our output string in ebx
   mov               ebx, def
; store the characters in the edx stack while looking
; for the end of the string in ecx
   ; put the current letter onto the top of the edx stack
   push              edx
   ; read the next letter from the string ecx points to
   mov               edx, [ecx]
   ; drop all but the current letter from edx
   and               edx, 0xFF
   ; increment the ecx pointer for the next read
   inc               ecx
   ; compare the current letter against the newline character
   cmp               edx, 0xA
   ; if not newline, repeat, else drop through
   jne               _ecxLoop
; rebuild the string in reverse order using the edx stack
; using the leading newline to mark the end of the string
   ; pull the first letter from the top of the edx stack
   pop               edx
   ; place the letter into the position of the string
   ; that ebx currently points to
   mov               [ebx], edx
   ; increment the ebx pointer for the next write
   inc ebx
   ; pull the next letter from the top of the edx
   pop               edx
   ; compare the new letter against the newline character
   cmp               edx, 0xA
   ; if not newline, repeat, else drop through
   jne               _ebxLoop
; append the end of string identifier
   macApndEOS        ebx
; display the reverse of the input string
   macPrint          def, 0xFF
; exit cleanly

Uppercasing a String


<html><p style=“margin:0em; padding:0em; line-height:50%;”>Capitalize lower case letters</p></html>

; Raymond Young
; 0xB.asm
%include             "0x0.mac"
segment  .bss
   abc         resb  0xFF
   def         resb  0xFF
segment  .data
   msg1        db    'Enter a string: ', 0x0
segment  .text
   global            _start
; create a clean working environment
   enter             0, 0
; get the input string
   macPrint          msg1, 17
   macRead           abc, 0xFF
; primer to perform the to upper conversion
   ; place the pointer to our input string in ecx
   mov               ecx, abc
   ; place the pointer to our output string in ebx
   mov               ebx, def
   ; read the next letter from the string ecx points to
   mov               edx, [ecx]
   ; drop all but the current letter from edx
   and               edx, 0xFF
; loop through the string till newline is found
; determine of the current letter is between a and z
   ; determine if the current letter comes before 'a'
   cmp               edx, 0x61      ; lowercase a in hex
   ; jump if before 'a', else drop through
   jb                _storeLetter
   ; determine if the current letter comes after 'z'
   cmp               edx, 0x7A      ; lowercase z in hex
   ; jump if after 'z', else it's a charater to uppercase
   ja                _storeLetter
   ; subtract 32 from the value of the current character
   and               edx, 0xDF
   ; update the input string
   ; place the letter into the output string that ebx points to
   mov               [ebx], edx
   ; increment the ebx pointer for the next write
   inc               ebx
   ; increment the ecx pointer for the next read
   inc               ecx
   ; read the next letter from the string ecx points to
   mov               edx, [ecx]
   ; drop all but the current letter from edx
   and               edx, 0xFF
   ; compare the new letter against the newline character
   cmp               edx, 0xA
   ; if not newline, repeat, else drop through
   jne               _ecxLoop
   macApndEOS        ebx
; display the results
   macPrint          def, 0xFF
; exit cleanly

Part 3: Wrapping Up



Q: What is a macro?

A: A macro is a small piece of code that be reused later.

Q: How do I create one in ASM?

A: Here is an example of a macro to exit the program:

%macro         exitProgram
   mov         eax, 1
   mov         ebx, 0
   int         0x80

Macro start with %macro followed by the name of the macro. Then the macro's code. To end the macro you use %endmacro.

Q: Where do I put the macro in my ASM file?

A: Macros are typically placed in the segment .bss section of the program.

segment  .bss
   %macro      exitProgram
      mov      eax, 1
      mov      ebx, 0
      int      0x80

Q: How do I call a macro?

A: To call our exitProgram from before macro, we just use the name of the macro as it's call.

   enter       0, 0
   [some code]

Q: Can I pass information to a macro?

A: Sure, you just define how many parameters are going to be passed right after the name of the macro. These values would then be accessed inside the macro using % followed by the number corresponding to it's place in the passed parameters list, starting from 1.

%macro         print 2
   mov         eax, 0x4
   mov         ebx, 0x1
   mov         ecx, %1
   mov         edx, %2

This could then be called using:

   print       msg1, msg1len

As a result, the contents of msg1, of length defined by msg1len would be displayed to stdout.

Q: Can a macro make use of another macro?

A: It sure can. Just call it inside of the macro like you would in your program.

segment  .data
   newline  db 0xA, 0x0
segment  .bss
   %macro      printNewline
      print    newline, 0x2

Q: Is possible to put a whole bunch of macros into an external file and include them in multiple programs?

A: Yes, you would use the %include directive at the top of your asm file. Typically macro files will use a .mac extension.

%include       "myMacros.mac"

Your macro file would then have a segment .bss section with your macro definitions:

segment  .bss
%macro         exitProgram
   mov         eax, 1
   mov         ebx, 0
   int         0x80
%macro         print 2
   mov         eax, 0x4
   mov         ebx, 0x1
   mov         ecx, %1
   mov         edx, %2

Q: Can I include multiple macro files?

A: Just use another %include statement.

%include       "file1.mac"
%include       "file2.mac"
2010/05/22 01:50

The Philosophical Impact of ASM


Q: Why is it important that a computing curriculum include assembly language?

A: ASM is the root of all other computer languages, as most of the “higher-level” languages are built upon ASM.

Q: What benefit does it possess for your understanding and programming ability?

A: By knowing the general workings of ASM allows a programmer to have more thorough understanding of what is going on in the background when writing software using the methods and routines of a higher level language.

Q: How has it changed your perspective with regard to writing programs and algorithms?

A: From being able to visualize the steps that would need to be done in ASM to perform the instructions as written in a higher level language, it is possible to write code that is far more efficient in its use of the CPU, by knowing how to reduce the number of logical operations that are performed by the program.

The Assembly Language Paradox


Q: How is assembly language both simpler yet more work than a higher level language?

A: ASM is a lot simpler than a higher level language because there are far fewer keyword based control structures. Yet it is more work because ASM a direct one-to-one relationship between lines of instruction and number of operations performed by the CPU. Where as one command in a higher level language could require the CPU to perform many different operations before the command has been completed.

Q: Why is the devil in the details?

A: To properly program in ASM, one needs to fully understand how to use the registers, flags, and OS-dependent system calls, in addition to being aware of Endianness, stack pointers, etc.

Student Perspective


Q: What grade do you feel you deserve for this course?

A: 0x41 (ASCII letter A in hex)

Q: Why do you feel you deserve this mark?

A: I kept up my journals. I completed the homework assignments on time. And I learned the material well enough to go above and beyond the immediate scope of the course.

Q: How did you feel about the course?

A: In the beginning of the semester, I felt overwhelmed and intimidated by ASM; for at least the first month. But as time passed, and I began to understand things better, I felt more comfortable programming in assembly. I won't go so far as to say I am now an expert in assembly, but I feel comfortable enough with the language now that I could write a program or two in it as the need arises.

Q: Was it useful/interesting to you?

A: I've always been interested in learning assembly because of the many uses it has in the computer world, so yes.

Q: What was your least favorite aspect, and why?

A: Well, I felt that during the middle of the semester, the course could have used a bit more guidance and direction in terms of instructional lessons and homework assignments consisting of programming exercises based on the current lesson.

Q: What was something meaningful to you with respect to the course? Why does this stick out in your mind?

A: I can honestly say I know how to program in assembly language now. – This sticks out in my mind because I was of the belief that I would never learn ASM prior to taking this course.

Q: Any other comments or suggestions?

A: For a course that focuses on learning a new programming language, and especially one (like assembly) that differs greatly from the commonalities of the major programming languages (c/c++, java, etc) and their derivatives, a more directed lesson for each lecture period would be of tremendous help.

user/ryoung12/eoce/asm.txt · Last modified: 2010/05/22 01:51 by ryoung12