Installing and running SSH with irssi on a droid device
I have always wanted to run ssh with irssi on my droid phone so I thought I would make it a project. It is actually very simple so this tutorial will be short but useful to anyone interested
First thing you want to do is decide is the means of installation. For this example, and what I typically would recommend, we are gong to use the android market. This way we have to worry less about getting a bad install and makes installation much simpler.
Now you want to find which program you wish to use, this is entirely up to you but for this tutorial we are going to use irssi-connectbot.(make SURE the program you decide on is irssi capable.)
Using the droid market is going to make this step very simple. All droid devices have the android market application(hereby known as app), simply access all apps and find the app called 'Market“.
Once the Market app is loaded click on or tap the app tab
Once the app tab is open you will see a box with a magnifying glass, this is the search box. Type in “irssi-connectbot” and tap the magnifying glass to do a search.
The search will probably list all versions of connectbot make ssure you click on irssi-connectbot
Click on download
Then install
Thats it for installation(told you it was easy)
setup is pretty easy too, first go under all apps and find the irssi-connectbot and click/tap on it.
input where you want to connect, in our case it is going to be your
Enter your password and you are now connected!
irssi-connectbot will save this connection for you so you won't need to enter it each time.
Now to access the keyboard simply tap/click anywhere on your screen and in the lower right hand corner will be a small icon that looks like keyboard. Click on it to open up the virtual keyboard. (this all assumes your device doesn't have a physical keyboard).
Now type screen -r to connect to your already running screen session on lab46.
If you wish to disconnect and dont have a physical keyboard you can tap or click anywhere on the screen and hold. A shortcut menu will come up and if you click on ctrl+a+d to disconnect.
If you wish to change channels simply swip left or right.
user/kkrauss1/portfolio/sshdroid.txt · Last modified: 2012/03/15 19:05 by kkrauss1