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  • For my final project, as always, I wanted to do something that would hopefully benefit other people. Matt made the suggestion to organize the bookshelves as they were quite the mess. This is a project I could work on for weeks but I had limited time. I focused on the front most bookshelf as it is the most visited. I then used my best judgment to decide what to put on the shelf and what to store underneath. The shelf was organize with programming languages, operating systems and networking resources. This bookshelf was by far the most organized and I think was the better of the two shelves when it comes to benefiting others. The back bookshelf had some physical issues but I did the best I could. It had more variations on topics but was still much more organized than before. As can be seen by the projects I did, organization and “cleaning” up was my main focus this semester. The first thing I did was clean up my immediate area so I had my own little “office”, then slowly worked on various things that would organize and make the lair a little more clutter free. There is a lot more I can do but I feel I did quite a bit for such a short period of time and considering my class/work load. I will probably continue doing such things next semester.
user/kkrauss1/portfolio/book_organizing.txt · Last modified: 2011/12/14 20:59 by kkrauss1