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Video Wall Four the plaing Starcraft

Full wall is 4 screens by 3screens

Screen1 controlled by wall01 Screen 2 controlled by wall01 Screen 3 controlled by wall02 Screen 4 controlled by wall02
Screen5 controlled by wall03 Screen6 controlled by wall 03 Screen 7 controlled by wall04 Screen 8 controlled by wall04
Screen 9 controlled by wall05 Screen 10 controlled by wall05 Screen 11 controlled by wall06 Screen 12 controlled by wall06

wall01 is in port1 of the netgear switch and port 1 of the kvm ip is wall02 is in port5 of the netgear switch and port 2 of the kvm ip is wall03 is in port2 of the netgear switch and port 3 of the kvm ip is wall04 is in port6 of the netgear switch and port 4 of the kvm ip is wall05 is in port5 of the netgear switch and port 5 of the kvm ip is wall06 is in prot7 of the netgear switch and port 6 of the kvm ip is

Project Ojective

The purpose of this project was to take the right half of the Video wall and create a 2 by 3 video wall to play Starcraft on. The project ended up using the whole video wall to support the Collage Art show from April 30 - May 14.

Team members for this project where:
Andrew Brundage-Briggs
Mike Gough
Jeffrey Jansen
Jamie Brant

Hardware Requirements:
6 Dells Desk Tops (wall01, wall02, wall03, wall04, wall05 and wall06)
12 Dell flat pannels

Software Requirements:
Operating system: Debian lenny and etch
window manager: fluxbox Window manager startup script: startx
OpenGL clustering software: Chromium - Is a Application for interactive rendering on a clusters of workstations
Assumption is that wall01 is the master system

Procedures used in this project:
Debian install with window manager Fluxbox application : but instead of installing gnome as the window manger we installed fluxbox

NFS was also used, a procedure on how to install that can be found at:

The procedure used to create the Wall

OS and video driver install:

We started out by installing debian lenny on wall02, wall04, and wall06. a procedure for installing it can be found at we will not preform the section on installing gnome. instead we will do: ' aptitude install fluxbox '

Next we installed the video driver:

**Configuration of duel Monitors:**

On wall02 edit the /etc/Xll/xorg.conf

under 'Section Device '
make sure the following line exist.

Driver	 “Nvidia”\\
Option 	 “TwinView”	  “True”\\


  • cd /etc/apt
  • aptitude update
  • aptitude upgrade
  • scp /etc/apt/sources.list wall04:/etc/apt/
  • scp /etc/apt/sources.list wall06:/etc/apt/

Log on to wall04 and wall06 and do:

  • aptitude update
  • aptitude upgrade

Back on wall02

  • aptitude search xdmx
  • aptitude install xdmx xdmx-tools

we copied the dmx.conf from wall01 to wall02 (wall02 was to be the controlling system)

on wall02 made backup copy of dmx.conf
edit the dmx.conf to:

virtual vw0 2621x3372 {
     display tcp/ 2621x1024 @0x0;
     display tcp/ 2621x1024 @0x1174;
     display tcp/ 2621x1024 @0x2348;

Edited /etc/X11/xorg.conf: changed the Section “Device”

Section "Device"
      Identifier      "GeForce FX 5200"
      Driver          "nvidia"
      BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"
      Option          "TwinView"      "true"
      #Option          "MetaModes"     "1280x1024 +0+0, 1280x1024 +1388+0"
      Option         "MetaModes"     "640x480 +0+0, 640x480 +734+0"

changed the Section “Screen”

Section "Screen"
      Identifier      "Default Screen"
      Device          "GeForce FX 5200"
      Device          "GeForce FX 5200"
      Monitor         "Generic Monitor"
      DefaultDepth    24
      SubSection "Display"
              Depth           1
              Modes           "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
      SubSection "Display"
              Depth           4
              Modes           "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
      SubSection "Display"
              Depth           8
              Modes           "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
      SubSection "Display"
              Depth           15
              Modes           "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
      SubSection "Display"
              Depth           16
              Modes           "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
      SubSection "Display"
              Depth           24
              Modes           "1280x1024"

Then copied it to wall04 and wall06 scp /root/dmx.conf wall02:/root copy to wall04 and copy to wall06 scp /root/wallup wall02:/root

scp /root/playificate scp /root/bigify

aumix aptitude search aumix aptitude install aumix aumix aptitude search alsa aptitude install alsa alsaconf

once we got the wall up and running on all three system with wall02 controlling them we started with the chromium


do steps 5 thur 8 for each of the following

In step 7 replacing 'mesa' with each of the following options:

  • glu
  • Xmu
  • glut
  • GL
  • xlibmesa
  • jpeg62

In step 8 replace “Libgl1-mesa +-dev” with each of the following:

  • xlibmesa-glu xlibmesa-glu-dev
  • libxmu-dev libxmu6 libxmu-headers
  • libglut3 libglut3-dev
  • libgl-dev libgl1 libgl1-mesa libgl1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-dri
  • zlib1g-dev libxi-dev libjpeg62-dev

cd root/cr-1.9/lib/Linux
ln -s\
ln -s

This is where Mike Gough document should take over

user/jbrant/csit2320/video_wall_4_starcraft.txt · Last modified: 2010/05/21 02:26 by jbrant