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I spent this harvesting hardware components. Could the be considered a green effort.

The first thing I did was to take apart a old textronic color printer. The parts will be used by Presley to build a working printer as there is a second printer that is in better shape. Also there was a vacuum system that may be used to build a hold down table.

The next thing tackled where a number of impact printer. As I disassembled them I foound that they yielded a variety of parts from dowel rods, motors(step and linear), transformers, print heads, circuit boards and belts. I can see where these part could be used to build and or enhance other tools.

Then I tackled reducing the number of power supplies. The components that I found of uses where the fuses and fans and a couple of power connectors. There was a some power supplies that where fried do to a freak storm, these yeilded two fans that where clear. I suggested that Andrew should uses them to build a wind powered generator to help power-er his bike.

Next where the old Digital PCs. There was a requirement to save the two best systems. This turned out to be easy as only two of the system would power on. I then striped the other two systems down to drives mother board, cpu, memory, and power supplies. Of note the power supply where riveted closed and of no value.

Next I took apart an apple laptop which I found to be very interesting. Some of the components that I found where the wireless antenna the touch pad the single memory simm and the LCD screen and keyboard. Removal of the screen was the hardest part.

Moving along the next thing I tackled was the sorting and disposal of internal peripherals in order to make more storage room. I sorted the 3.5 disk drive by type. Any that look to be bad I set aside for disposal. I then sorted the cd roms by speed, read/write, and dvd read. I also sorted out the dvd drives. Once The lab monitors decided what ones where to be kept I then removed the rest that had not been selected. Finale I then put the selected ones back into storage.

While rummaging throw the pile of part I found a number of memory simms of 128meg or more. This find was of interest to Matt and where quickly gathered for more secured storage. I end up in need of this find for one of my project for hpc0 that required more memory.

When I was working on taking apart some communication switches I noticed what they call feather switches on the cards. I then decided to see if I could come up with some interesting art using the scrape parts. I have then assembled an American Indian style necklaces using feather switches and other scrape componets. Thus was born what is now known as the Headdress of Knowledge. So ended my quest in the Lair Storage Room of Parts. I hope that future students fine some of the stuff I have harvested this semester.

user/jbrant/csit2048.txt · Last modified: 2010/05/14 19:49 by jbrant