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How To Build a IRC Bot:
login into you lab46 accout
make a home (room)
by doing 'mkdir weatherbot'

cd to the home of your bot

lab46:~/cd weatherebot

Getting the source code for you bot:

Find the scoure code I used eggdrop from:' '

To down load it I did: ' wget '

Next unzip
lab46:~/weatherbot$ tar zxvf eggdrop1.6.19+ctcpfix.tar.gz

lab46:~/weatherbot/eggdrop1.6.19$ cd  eggdrop1.6.19

Following the instuction from: ' ' I did the following.

lab46:~/weatherbot/eggdrop1.6.19$ ./configure

This is Eggdrop's GNU configure script.
It's going to run a bunch of tests to hopefully make your compile
work without much twiddling.

Operating System: Linux 2.6.26-2-xen-amd64

If you experience any problems compiling Eggdrop, please read the
compile guide, found in doc/COMPILE-GUIDE.

Type 'make config' to configure the modules, or type 'make iconfig'
to interactively choose which modules to compile.

lab46:~/weatherbot/eggdrop1.6.19$ make config

Detecting modules.................... done.
Calculating dependencies................... done.

lab46:~/weatherbot/eggdrop1.6.19$ make

[1]: Leaving directory `/home/jbrant/weatherbot/eggdrop1.6.19/src/mod'
Building ./src/mod/Makefile... done.

You can now compile the bot, using "make".

lab46:~/weatherbot/eggdrop1.6.19$ make install DEST=~/weatherbot

Eggdrop v1.6.19+ctcpfix (C) 1997 Robey Pointer (C) 2008 Eggheads
  (patches: ctcpfix)

  Installing in directory: '/home/jbrant/weatherbot'.

  Removing symlink to archival eggdrop binary.
  Copying new 'eggdrop' executable and creating symlink.
  Removing symlink to archival modules subdirectory.
  Copying new modules.
  Installation completed.

  You MUST ensure that you edit/verify your configuration file.
  An example configuration file, eggdrop.conf, is distributed with Eggdrop.

  Remember to change directory to /home/jbrant/weatherbot before you proceed.

  lab46:~/weatherbot/eggdrop1.6.19$ cd
  lab46:~$ chmod 700 ~weatherbot

Below are the line you will need to change in the egggdrop.conf file before making the changes I did a ' cp eggdrop.conf coldcut.conf'. I then edited the coldcut.conf file as this was the name i gave my bot.

Line 1
Changed to
< #! /home/jbrant/weatherbot/eggdrop
> #! /path/to/executable/eggdrop

Line 26
Changed to
< set username "coldcut"
> set username "lamest"

Line 30
Changed to
< set admin "jbrant <email:>"
> set admin "Lamer <email:>"

Line 34
Changed to
< #set network "I.didn'"
> set network "I.didn'"

Line 58
Changed to
< set my-hostname "irc.offbyone.lan"
> #set my-hostname ""

Line 66
Changed to
< addlang "english"
> #addlang "english"

Line 112
Changed to
< set max-logsize 550
> set max-logsize 0

Line 130
Changed to:
< logfile mcobxs * "logs/coldcut.log"
> logfile mco * "logs/eggdrop.log"

Line 135
Changed to:
< logfile jpk #botchan "logs/botchan.log"
> logfile jpk #lamest "logs/lamest.log"

Line 176
Changed to:
< set userfile "coldcut.user"
> set userfile "LamestBot.user"

Line 180
Changed to:
< set pidfile "pid.coldcut"
> #set pidfile "pid.LamestBot"

Line 253
Changed to:
< listen 65501 all
> #listen 3333 all

Line 267
Changed to:
< set protect-telnet 1
> set protect-telnet 0

Line 281
Changed to:
< set require-p 1
> set require-p 0

Line 290
Changed to:
< set stealth-telnets 1
> set stealth-telnets 0

Line 303
Changed to:
< set dcc-flood-thr 5
> set dcc-flood-thr 3

Line 348
Changed to:
< set hourly-updates 13
> set hourly-updates 00

Line 352
Changed to:
< #set owner "hotcut"
> #set owner "MrLame, MrsLame"

Line 355
Changed to:
< set notify-newusers "hotcut"
> set notify-newusers "$owner"

Line 365
Changed to:
< # set whois-fields "url birthday"
> set whois-fields "url birthday"

Line 369
Changed to:
< # set die-on-sighup 0
> set die-on-sighup 0

Line 373
Changed to:
< # set die-on-sigterm 1
> set die-on-sigterm 1

Line 409 removed
> die "Please make sure you edit your config file completely."

Line 451
Changed to:
< set chanfile ""
> set chanfile "LamestBot.chan"

Line 501,521
Changed to:
<     channel add #botchan {
<       chanmode "+nt-likm"
<       idle-kick 0
<       stopnethack-mode 0
<       revenge-mode 0
<       ban-time 120
<       exempt-time 60
<       invite-time 60
<       aop-delay 5:30
<       need-invite { putserv "PRIVMSG botchan :let me in!" }
<       need-key { putserv "PRIVMSG #botchan :let me in!" }
<       need-unban { putserv "PRIVMSG #botchan :let me in!" }
<       need-limit { putserv "PRIVMSG #botchan :let me in!" }
<       flood-chan 10:60
<       flood-deop 3:10
<       flood-kick 3:10
<       flood-join 5:60
<       flood-ctcp 3:60
<       flood-nick 5:60
<     }
> #    channel add #lamest {
> #      chanmode "+nt-likm"
> #      idle-kick 0
> #      stopnethack-mode 0
> #      revenge-mode 0
> #      ban-time 120
> #      exempt-time 60
> #      invite-time 60
> #      aop-delay 5:30
> #      need-op { putserv "PRIVMSG #lamest :op me cos i'm lame!" }  'You will need to delete this line or it will send annoying messages to the channel.
> #      need-invite { putserv "PRIVMSG #lamest :let me in!" }
> #      need-key { putserv "PRIVMSG #lamest :let me in!" }
> #      need-unban { putserv "PRIVMSG #lamest :let me in!" }
> #      need-limit { putserv "PRIVMSG #lamest :let me in!" }
> #      flood-chan 10:60
> #      flood-deop 3:10
> #      flood-kick 3:10
> #      flood-join 5:60
> #      flood-ctcp 3:60
> #      flood-nick 5:60
> #    }

Line 643
Changed to:
<    channel set #botchan +enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans +dynamicexempts
> #   channel set #lamest +enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans +dynamicexempts

Line 766
Changed to:
< #   channel set #botchan +bitch +enforcebans -greet +revenge
> #   channel set #botcentral +bitch +enforcebans -greet +revenge

Line 787
Changed to:
< set nick "coldcut"
> set nick "Lamestbot"

Line 792
Changed to:
< set altnick "hammer"
> set altnick "Llamab?t"

Line 796
Changed to:
< set realname "/msg coldcut hello"
> set realname "/msg LamestBot hello"

Line 821, 822
Changed to:
<   irc.offbyone.lan:6667

Line 841
Changed to:
< set lowercase-ctcp 1
> set lowercase-ctcp 0

Line 932
Changed to:
< set nick-len 9
> #set nick-len 9

Line 1019
Changed to:
< set learn-users 1
> set learn-users 0

Line 1042, 1043
Changed to:
< unbind msg - hello *msg:hello
< bind msg - changed to protect my bot *msg:hello
> #unbind msg - hello *msg:hello
> #bind msg - myword *msg:hello

Line 1049, 1050
Changed to:
< # unbind msg - ident *msg:ident
< # unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost
> unbind msg - ident *msg:ident
> unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost

Line  1262
> die "You didn't edit your config file completely like you were told, did you?"
Line 1357
< source scripts/dlcount.cgi?get=tictactoe.tcl


next I made a autobot check file and but it in my crontab. ths will restart my bot after reboot and other events that my kill it.

lab46:~/weatherbot$ chmod 700 auotbotchk

lab46:~/weatherbot$ ./autobotchk <config> -dir /home/jbrant/wetherbot/coldcut.conf -noemail

It is time to start your bot, the first time you will need to use the -m flage:

lab46:~/weatherbot$ ./eggdrop -m coldcut.conf
it will run thur a bunch of code and will show you any errors you may need to fix

If you have error to fix see the webpage: it is a good source for trouble shooting your bot.

If all is well you should somthing like this:

Eggdrop v1.6.19+ctcpfix (C) 1997 Robey Pointer (C) 2008 Eggheads
 --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.19+ctcpfix (Fri Feb 19 2010)
 Listening at telnet port 65501 (all).
 Module loaded: blowfish
 Module loaded: dns
 Module loaded: channels
 Module loaded: server
 Module loaded: ctcp
 Module loaded: irc
 Module loaded: notes            (with lang support)
 Module loaded: console          (with lang support)
 Module loaded: uptime
 Userinfo TCL v1.07 loaded (URL BF GF IRL EMAIL DOB PHONE ICQ).
 use '.help userinfo' for commands.
 tictactoe.tcl v1.0.0 by strikelight now loaded.
 Userfile loaded, unpacking...
 === coldcut: 1 channels, 2 users.
Launched into the background  (pid: 23909)

Once your bot is started you need to show yourself to it as is master:

This is done by going into IRC and joining the channel that your bot is monitoring.

screen -r

/join botchan

Then type ' /msg <yourbot> hello' { or what ever binding message you have given it}

Next type /msg <yourbot> pass <password> where <password> is a password you have chosen.
user/jbrant/csit1320/coldcutdoc.txt · Last modified: 2010/02/19 16:42 by jbrant