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Recently I created a Bot (with much help from other people and outside sources). I received a lot of help on the class channel, fellow classmates, my teacher, and online sources. The main makeup of my bot was downloaded and installed from egghelp, being eggdrop. I also added megahal from The links to both are posted below: ⇒For the eggdrop file(also walks you through installation and gets you going with configuration.) ⇒Download file for megahal ⇒How to install megahal properly.

For this I had to look through each line of eggdrop anf make changes accordingly to what my intent was. As was the same for the megahal module. After everything was installed properly I then went through the training file for megahal and deleted everything i deemed unnecessary and replaced it with information i wanted the bot to recall on. The i started him up and BOOM! with and electric bolt of lightening from the sky Pikachu was born!!

user/dwells6/start.txt · Last modified: 2010/02/22 17:52 by dwells6