Due to my ignorance I did not know that I required 4 separate entries I apologize this wont happen again.
I have been taking classes in not only this class but also Joes discrete structures class.
This has caused me to learn a lot about c programming in the past month. The second day of class we had to learn how to recreate string.h due to situations such as these I have learned a lot about strings in c programming and a good amount about arrays. Right now I am dealing with some confusion on the implementation of linklist. I fully understand how they work but I am confused as how to actually include them and manipulate them in my programs. The challenges I face with this course are pretty trivial in retrospect this pas month has been a pretty bad month personally so I was thrown behind in all of my classes. But now that things have settled down I plan on improving myself in all my classes
Array An array is a series of elements of the same type placed in contiguous memory locations that can be individually referenced by adding an index to a unique identifier.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int samArray[52] //this would declare a simple 52 elemnt array or the type int return(0);
=== String ===
C does not have a string type as other modern programming languages. C only has character type so a C string is defined as an array of characters or a pointer to characters. #include <stdio.h> int main() {
Char array[50] //this will create a 50 character array that the user or the programer can insert a string into return(0);
==== Variable ====
A variable is a way of referring to a memory location used in a computer program. This memory location holds values- perhaps numbers or text or more complicated types of data like a payroll record. Pointer A pointer is a special kind of variable in C and C++ that holds the address of another variable.
I/O is an abbreviation of Input / Output and refers to the transfer of data to or from an application. There are three standard libraries for I/O in C (STDIO, STDOUT, STDERR)
The header file is used to access the standard library of functions and personalized functions that you or other programmers have created.
Multi-dimensional arrays
the same as a regular array with the exception that instead of storing one type of variable multiple variables are stored
The C Library
The C library holds full source code from example articles, reader submitted code and any code that is in the public domain
Command-line arguments
Functions that require you to enter arguments from the command line
logic and operators (and, or, not, xor)
Aids in the helping of comparing values and situations where more than two things need to be compared
Scope refers to identifiers, that is types, functions, classes and variables and is that part of the source code where the particular idntifier is visible.
File Access
The ability to read, write or execute a file based on what permissions you have
== Objective ==
== Experiments ==
1.What would happen in a program that counted the number of characters in a string if you entered 2 separate string in the same line.
I believe that the program will only grab the characters until the null terminator
The null terminator stops scan f from continuing on in the array
2.What would happen if you were to insert an integer value into a program that expects a string value?
I beilive that it will still treat the numbers as a character and treat them as such
The characters where counted as characters instead of numbers meaning that with a few adjustments you could convert this count program into a base 10 number converter