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My IRC bot

In creating an IRC bot, we had to document all of the steps we took and type up the documentation so that we could step by step create the bot again.

Here are the steps I took to create my bot:

continued from my week 4 journal, after line 48…

130. logs/Chef.log
176. Chef.user
253. listen 65513 all
410. Insert # (pound sign) so that it will prevent it from working
452. Chef.chan
503-524. uncomment all of it
503. Chef
790. Chef
795. Chef1
799. Hello little boys and girls
824. irc.offbyone.lan:6667
1204. /home/bnichol7/eggdrop
1209. /home/bnichol7/eggdrop/incoming
1240. Chef.notes 1262. Insert # (pound sign) so that it will prevent it from working

Then within the eggdrop folder in my home directory, I had to run the eggdrop executable, (./eggdrop-1.6.19) When you do that, it creates your bot, as well as creates the room that the bot will subside in.

Then after I had to telnet into the bot so I could tell it I am the owner. To do that:

telnet localhost -65513 (whatever the pid number is from ps command)

Then type my nickname and create a password. From there you can rehash the bot when needed (like after editing the brain).

So now you can join a room with a bot sitting in the room, waiting to greet you. But yet it wont talk? whys that? Oh, that's because you haven't set it brain up yet ;)

To do that, you have to download a separate module, called MegaHAL. (or it could be another module you want to use, its just the one I used.) I went to and was able to download the version 2.7 .. Then I went to and was able to follow the how-to to setup my bot, allowing it to interact with me(the non-windrop one).

Another thing I needed to edit in the conf file was I had to edit in a line so that it would load a module (I placed it on line 425):

loadmodule megahal

Then after rehashing it, I was able to communicate with my bot, but now I need to edit the brain, which is the next fun step!!!

user/bnichol7/start.txt · Last modified: 2010/03/09 00:27 by bnichol7