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LDAP Controlled Access Point Systems

—Brian J. Ewanyk


  • Gain an understanding of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
  • Create and configure LDAP Servers, Clients, and Patrons who interact effectively.
  • Concieve and create a LDAP Database.
  • Investigate the function of a RFID system.
  • Implement the LDAP and RFID systems to control a point of entry system based on database queries.


Utilizing an LDAP database, construct a multi virtual machine system to take input from an outside perhipheral (RFID Reader), verify the signature, log the activity, and permit or deny access based on the results of the query…



  • Functioning server, memory, harddrive, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and internet connection.
  • RFID reader and tags.
  • Cables for networking and RFID connections.
  • Luck
  • Patience
  • A bit of Divine intervention…


  1. Configure Server
  2. Install Unix Server OS on Server
  3. Install LDAP packets on Server
  4. Swear
  5. Patch
  6. Pray
  7. Swear
  8. Throw Things
  9. Give up
  10. Take a deep breath and start again.
  11. Pay a professional company for a preconstructed system.
  12. Try to return it without a receipt.
  13. Swear More.
  14. Wipe the system and start again…


user/bewanyk/portfolio/ldap-access.txt · Last modified: 2011/05/21 01:16 by bewanyk