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Gateway Server Info

Language: English - English; United States; American English; …wait… ; missing firmware files e100/d101m_ucode.bin Missing e100/d101m_ucode.bin firmware file.; hostname: wmfdrfid; Root login: FirstdueReponding; User Name WMFD RFID Access; User Pass:Doorlog#01; Eastern; Use entire disk; write changes; …wait… ;

Root Login: FirstdueResponding

User acct:wmfd1800

User pass:Doorlog#01


hostname: wmfdrfid

ip has been defaulting to, should be fixed by adding the MAC address of eth0 to the DHCP list on the router. (but just in case it disappears again…

ref /etc/apt/server.list section of VMServer Install page (VM Server - Squeeze Install changes include after webget, vi edit line should read %s/debversion/wheezy

After the server.list change, do an update and upgrade. Then be sure to install openssh-server so the server can be remotely ssh-ed into.

edit the /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the -src lines. (due to wheexy usage)

-apt-get install ssh nmap

-apt-get install vim

-apt-get update

-apt-get install slapd ldap-utils

-nmap -p 389 localhost

Linux DNS documentation

user/bewanyk/portfolio/gateway_setup.txt · Last modified: 2012/03/26 14:30 by bewanyk