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Project: Setup the GNU C Compiler for the ARM architecture


Find a way to obtain the required packages to run the GNU C Compiler on the ARM architechure.


In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:

  • An arm based system
  • Arch ARM linux
  • the Pacman package manager and some ability to navigate it.
  • the ability to use package compression and un-compression tools
  • basic understanding of writing/compiling and executing C programs
  • google is your friend


Any'ol fool can fire up lab46 and compile a C program, compile and run it but those who think ahead realize that RISC is the glorious future and will plan accordingly. That being said in this project we are going to plan arccordingly by configuring a system that will allow us to write, compile and execute C Programs on the worlds greatest computing platform!


Give a general overview of your anticipated implementation of the project. Address any areas where you are making upfront assumptions or curtailing potential detail. State the focus you will be taking in implementation.


State and justify the attributes you'd like to receive upon successful approval and completion of this project.

  • attribute1: why you feel your pursuit of this project will gain you this attribute
  • attribute2: why you feel your pursuit of this project will gain you this attribute
  • etc…


First we need to ssh into our ARM based machine and assemble the necessary packages. On my system I'm using the Pacman manager so our procedure will assume you are also using Pacman to obtain packages. Lets do a simple query of Pacmans databases shall we? since we want to install gcc so we can compile C code lets search for gcc:

  • Unordered List Itempacman -Ss gcc

Okay, perfect! we found a package, lets try to download and install the package. type the following at the prompt:

  • Unordered List Itempacman -S gcc

Pacman will now tack care of grabbing and install dependencies. Congratulations, you now have everything you need to compile and run C programs on your ARM system!


Again, if there is associated code with the project, and you haven't already indicated how to run it, provide a sample run of your code:

[root@alarm projects]# gcc -o hello hello.c
[root@alarm projects]#./hello
Hello World!


I truly believe understanding that the ARM architecture is the future of mainstream computing and now that I can begin coding, compiling and running C programs I'm on my way to becoming a success in the realm of computer sciences.


user/asowers/portfolio/project2.txt · Last modified: 2011/10/27 20:12 by asowers