- What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date?
This is a sample format for a dated entry. Please substitute the actual date for “Month Day, Year”, and duplicate the level 4 heading to make additional entries.
As an aid, feel free to use the following questions to help you generate content for your entries:
Remember that 4 is just the minimum number of entries. Feel free to have more.
Logic Operations: And, Or, Not, and Xor
The logical operators take either one(Not) or multiple(And, Or, Xor) arguments and compare the argument(s) and create a new output depending on the specific operator. And operator will check to see if all of the given arguments have the value that is being checked for, and will return true if they do and false otherwise. Not operator will check the argument and give the opposite corresponding value. Or operator will check to see if any one or more of the given arguments have the value that is being checked for, and will return true if so or else false. Xor operator will check to see if exactly one of the given arguments has the value that is being checked for, and will return true if so or else false. We are using bit-wise versions of these operators to check multiple registers and create a new one based on whether or not the corresponding bits in the given registers adhere to the logical operator that is being implemented. See code for example!
given Register reg1: 00011011 and Register reg2: 00011000 use the And operator to produce reg3.
reg1: 00011011
reg2: 00011000
reg3: 00011000
Instruction Sets
Scripts or programs in an architecture that allow for quick manipulation of key components in said architecture. In this project, our instruction sets are used to perform quick manipulations of key registers.
The following is an instruction for loading a given value into the accumulator:
#!/bin/bash # #A9-Immediate instruction #loads given value into Accumulator # #../../datamanip Load calls the java program Load.java #../reg/a.reg is the register the value will be loaded to #./checkZero a calls the checkZero script with accumulator as the argument #./checkSign a calls the checkSign script with accumulator as the argument java -cp ../../datamanip Load $1 ../reg/a.reg ./checkZero a ./checkSign a
Command-line example:
lab46:~$ cd src/project/sim/ops lab46:~/src/project/sim/ops$ ./0xA9 0
Binary and Hexadecimal Number Representation
Representing numbers in base 2 (binary) and base 16 (hexadecimal) as opposed to decimal (10) which is normally used. It should be noted that for base 16: 10 == A, 11 == B, 12 == C, 13 == D, 14 == E, 15 == F
Demonstration will be through simple examples: It will be in the form (number)base → /*convert to*/ (number)base
(10)10 –> (1010)2 –> (A)16
(73)10 –> (1001001)2 –> (49)16
(115)10 –> (1110011)2 –> (73)16
(159)10 –> (10011111)2 –> (9F)16
(256)10 –> (100000000)2 –> (100)16
Data Representation
The different ways to represent data. Such as base choice, (binary or decimal for example), and whether or not it is signed. For this project, we are using signed binary. For negative values we are using two's complement as opposed to one's.
Demonstration of the chosen keyword.
If you wish to aid your definition with a code sample, you can do so by using a wiki code block, an example follows:
/* * Code snippets * Take in a value * convert to binary */ import java.util.Scanner; public class BinaryConverter { public static char [] bin; public static void main (String [] args) { Scanner value = new Scanner (System.in); System.out.println("Input a value."); int val = value.nextInt(); System.out.print(twoComp(val)); } public static char [] oneComp (int val) { val = Math.abs(val); twoComp(val); for (int k = 0; k < bin.length(); k++) { if (bin[k] == '0') bin[k] = '1'; else bin[k] = '0'; } return bin; } //convert to two's comp public static char [] twoComp (int val) { String binary; if (val >= 0) { binary = Integer.toBinaryString(val); for (int k = 0; k < binary.length(); k++) bin[k] = binary.charAt(k); } else { bin = oneComp(val); increment(); } return bin; } //increment the array public static void increment() { boolean check = true; for (int k = 7; k >= 0; k--) { if (check == true) { if (bin[k] == '0') { bin[k] = '1'; check = false; } else { bin[k] = '0'; check = true; } } } } }
von Neumann vs Harvard architecture
Harvard and von Neumann are two prominent computer architectures used in modern computers.
The Harvard and von Neumann architectures are both very popular and both have a cpu based system. The primary difference between these architectures is that von Neumann stores data memory and data instructions in the same space, while the Harvard architecture stores data memory and data instructions in separate spaces. This has a couple consequences:
Both have advantages and disadvantages. For instance the Harvard architecture having separate spaces for instructions and data means that machines that run it need more physical space so as to keep them separate. However, this attribute is also advantageous in that simultaneous manipulation of instructions and data makes for a faster machine than can be achieved with a von Neumann architecture.
Instructions or code that allow for quick changes in the instructions being executed.
An example of an Interrupt is the NOP (No Operation) instruction. The NOP instruction's only purpose is to increment the program counter.
# !/bin/bash # # INSTRUCTION: # 0xEA - NOP instruction # # FUNCTION: # Increments the program counter. # # FLAGS FLIPPED: # None # PROGRAMCOUNTER="pc" # The location of the program counter java -cp ../../lib Increment ${PROGRAMCOUNTER} exit 0
Computers need to be able to recall previous instructions, and it is convenient for users to be able to frequently access media, or entertainment, or files that they want to put on the computer. To provide this function, computers are able to store information in memory. There are several different types of memory: ram, rom, and cache to name a few.
An example of using memory is saving a file that you are working on. E.G.- You are writing an essay for some reason, and you want to go to bed, so you save it so that you are able to shut off your computer and open it again at a later date.
Input/Output refers to the process of interacting with a computing device by giving it parameters or instructions (input) and the machine executing the instructions and giving an answer or showing the result of the instructions (output).
My Demonstration will take the form of a simple program.
# Asks the user for his name and age, # and prints out an interesting fact prompt = '-->' print "Hi, what is your name?" name = raw_input(prompt) print "Well, %s, is a nice name. How old are you?" % name age = raw_input(prompt) print """ So, your name is %s and you are %s years old.\nDid you know that Bears eat fish?\nWell they do. """ % (name, age)
python nameandage.py Hi, what is your name? -->Tony Well, Tony, is a nice name. How old are you? -->20 So, your name is Tony and you are 20 years old. Did you know that bears eat fish? Well they do.
Would it have been at all faster to make the register boolean arrays instead of char arrays?
Based on the resources I have found that say booleans take up less memory and are faster to access, I believe that an array of boolean values would have been a faster alternative to char arrays.
I will write java programs that will be clones except for using boolean arrays in one of the programs and char arrays in the other. The program will load an array and time how long it takes.
* Note that the difference in data types may require some differences in functions and register initializations.
Boolean Results TIME: NanoSeconds
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | |
1 | 46660 | 4200 | 3733 | 3267 | 3732 |
2 | 47127 | 4666 | 3733 | 3266 | 3733 |
3 | 44795 | 4666 | 3266 | 3733 | 3733 |
4 | 46194 | 4199 | 3733 | 3733 | 3733 |
5 | 45727 | 4200 | 3733 | 3733 | 4200 |
AVG: | 46100.6 | 4386.2 | 3639.6 | 3546.2 | 3826.2 |
AVERAGE | 12299.76 |
Char Results TIME: NanoSeconds
1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | |
1 | 45728 | 4200 | 3732 | 3733 | 3733 |
2 | 46195 | 3733 | 3732 | 3733 | 3733 |
3 | 46660 | 4666 | 3267 | 3733 | 3733 |
4 | 49461 | 4199 | 4200 | 4199 | 3733 |
5 | 46195 | 4666 | 3266 | 3266 | 3733 |
AVG: | 46847.8 | 4292.8 | 3639.4 | 3732.8 | 3733 |
AVERAGE | 12449.16 |
/* * Experiment for opus. * First program test. * Using char arrays. * * */ public class ExperimentChar { public static char [] test = new char[8]; public static void load(int val) { String binaryVal = Integer.toBinaryString(val); for(int x = 0; x < binaryVal.length(); x++) test[x] = binaryVal.charAt(x); } public static long getTime(int val) { final long startTime = System.nanoTime(); final long endTime; try { load(val); } finally { endTime = System.nanoTime(); } final long duration = endTime - startTime; return duration; } public static void main(String [] args) { ExperimentChar experiment = new ExperimentChar(); for(int k = 0; k <= 4; k ++) System.out.println("The time for the " + (k + 1) + " experiment was: " + experiment.getTime(k) + " nanoseconds."); } }
/* * Experiment for opus. * Second program test. * Using boolean arrays. * * */ public class ExperimentBool { public static boolean [] test = new boolean[8]; public static void load(int val) { String binaryVal = Integer.toBinaryString(val); for(int x = 0; x < binaryVal.length(); x++) if(binaryVal.charAt(x) == '1') test[x] = true; else test[x] = false; } public static long getTime(int val) { final long startTime = System.nanoTime(); final long endTime; try { load(val); } finally { endTime = System.nanoTime(); } final long duration = endTime - startTime; return duration; } public static void main(String [] args) { ExperimentBool experiment = new ExperimentBool(); for(int k = 0; k <= 4; k ++) System.out.println("The time for the " + (k + 1) + " experiment was: " + experiment.getTime(k) + " nanoseconds."); } }
Based on the data collected:
The boolean array did take less time to run, however it was only around a 100 nanosecond difference, so I do not believe that it would have actually affected the project.