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Chris spring2015 Opus

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My name is Chris

as far as i can remember i have been fascinated about what makes technology tick. So i started off at a young age trying to tear things apart to try to figure out how they work. around the age of 5 i discovered Nintendo and wanted to learn about games. fast forward to age 11 i got my first pc and learned ms dos so i could use the pc because it had no mouse and that's when i discovered Qbasic and realized i wanted to learn how to program.

i have acquired many skills before and sense including 20 years of drawing, 15 years of guitar, 15 years of repairing and trouble shooting a wide range of devices. before i started college last semester i had only fooled around programming programming but decided i needed help guiding my focus in the right direction to stay on track and finish learning how to program.

i learn differently than most people i have to have hands on experience and see a tangible out come.

my goals are to be able to create any thing that i aspire to create without limitation.

currently i want to learn as much as i can about programming then form a indie development team.

C/C++ Programming Journal

3/12/2015 my memory dosn't serve me very well today i remembered i had forgotten to submit in the jurnal again i will preform a brain dumb first a note this is hard for me writing a jurnal is unlike anything i have ever done before.

been working on the second incarnation of multiply by 11 and so far i have a decent understanding of creating ints chars and functions using these specific file types, i have gained a decent understanding of do, while, and for loops, i have also learned the if, else if conditional statments.

*note* i have noticed a interesting bug with for loop iteration

(int i = 0;int var = 5;(for(i = var;i==0;i--){...}))
//purpose is to count down
//if the for loop the == comparison seems to fail in my programs when decreasing a var to 0.
//the fix i have found is the alter the code like so
//alternate is (int var=5;int i=var;(while(i >= 0){i--;}))
//noted probably better to use != 

my question why is the == comparison breaking?

back on track my current week points are pointers, int array manipulation and type cast their is more i want to mention but cant remember because it 1:22am so im going to sleep now

Captains log: today is 1/29/15 i realized i was 2 days behind on the journal so i decided to make a quick entry i have never had a journal as i would naturally forget to make an entry so this is not the norm for me.

on the first day i used putty to log into lab46 and i wrote a hello world script in C using nano for taking notes.


i notice my last post didnt make it so i will take some time to update. on the previus project

multiply by 11 i got a little in over my head when i decided to try encapsulating my programs in functions and using for loops before the structure was explained. long story short the program broke in several levels so i went back to the drawing board and removed the functions cleaned up unneeded code and changed my strategy to something i was familliar with switch case, if statements, and the dreaded goto. sence this matt made it a point to tell us to never use goto again lol.

–as of now same date im going to begin the new multiply by 11 using arays and if i can i will atempt another function. will update…


This is a sample format for a dated entry. Please substitute the actual date for “Month Day, Year”, and duplicate the level 4 heading to make additional entries.

As an aid, feel free to use the following questions to help you generate content for your entries:

  • What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date?
  • Why was this significant?
  • What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense?
  • What challenges are you facing with respect to the course?

UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal

And so it begins…

captains log after several hours of mind boggling inspection dave and i finally managed to see the forest for the trees, and solve the majestic puzzle box. on the plus side i may be able to solve the supper flip with less moves now. sence im not a creative writer im running out of words to say…/not a fan of blogs

2/22/2015 again my messages didnt go threw i recall i had a verry long frustrated post about not being able to figure the 2nd puzzlebox out and being halfway done. i was acctualy two steps away from done i was too tired at the time to notice the mistake i was making the octalascii program was a distraction because the file was in hex onece i realized that i just converted it got the pass and used a key word the teacher forgot to mention lol “sort” i was pretty much done at this point took 5 minutes how upsetting…

well that is all as there isn't much to say


This is a sample format for a dated entry. Please substitute the actual date for “Month Day, Year”, and duplicate the level 4 heading to make additional entries.

As an aid, feel free to use the following questions to help you generate content for your entries:

  • What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date?
  • Why was this significant?
  • What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense?
  • What challenges are you facing with respect to the course?


to be implemented forking in php.

Update the above link no longer is relevant as the php function only works within a terminal. due to this technical difficulty the project has been submitted server side.

Explenation: the php file runes then splits using the pcntl_fork() function to chreat a child from the process. Then the two processes print if they are a parent or child. This demonstrates a concept I was learning in my systems class and thought it was neat that php was capable of the same thing.





opus/spring2015/creid4/start.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/20 00:53 by