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Hiya. I'm from a tiny village in the fingerlakes and i venture here in a quest to gain dominance over all that is technologically inclined so i may begin my digital conquest of the interwebs. Seriously. I'm in Computer and Information Sciences and when i'm not doing school stuff i'm an avid gamer, movie fanatic and Devourer of Fantasy Novels (Mainly the forgotten Realms Series, MTG and the Dresden Files, All of which i recommend.). I hope to Transfer to RIT after CCC and want to move into the Graphic design section of the videogame world.I am currently Addicted to Battlefield 3, Snapple Apple Flavor and Fort Minor. At present i'm hunting for a XYBOARD Android tablet so i can avoid becoming an apple drone ( No offense to the apple owners. I wanted to put an ASCII text version of the Colonel in a white suit with a katana, but it wouldn't fit =/

opus/spring2012/lgottsha/intro.txt · Last modified: 2012/03/02 11:44 by lgottsha