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hpc2 Keywords



whiptail is a program that will let you present a variety of questions or display messages using dialog boxes from a shell script. Currently, these types of dialog boxes are implemented: yes/no box, menu box, input box, message box, text box, info box, checklist box, radiolist box gauge box, and password box.


Demonstration of the chosen keyword.

If you wish to aid your definition with a code sample, you can do so by using a wiki code block, an example follows:

#! /bin/bash
if (whiptail --title "PPP Configuration" --backtitle "Welcome to my example" --yesno "
Do you want to configure your PPP connection?"  10 40 )
        echo -e "\nWell, you better get busy!\n"
elif    (whiptail --title "PPP Configuration" --backtitle "Welcome to
my example" --yesno "           Are you sure?" 7 40)
                echo -e "\nGood, because I can't do that yet!\n"
                echo -e "\nToo bad, I can't do that yet\n"

The code you see above should produce a nice display of yes and no choices.



This is where you do step by step processes to solve an issue. If you have some sort of error with in a program or with the computer itself, you go through common fixes that will hopefully come to a solution. You are basically ruling out any simple error that can be fixed and determine if there is a major issue that you can not just simply solve.


There is not much to demonstrate other then stating some simple troubleshooting methods like doing a hard reset of the computer, defragmentation, disk cleanup, re install OS, and there are many other methods.

Stand Alone Testing Mode


This is obviously a mode to test out a program in and/or a script. When it says standalone it is stating that no other programs/hardware are needed to test this program. It may only need the OS and nothing else to aid in its run time. It is nothing but verifying the input given from front end is correctly stored in data base are not.


I honestly have no idea how to properly stand alone test other than to just run the program that is currently being worked on in one area to make sure everything runs correctly.

User Deletion Logic


Reference to a record that remains in the database, but is not included in comparisons or retrieved in searches. So a user is able to delete some form of data but it was always be there stashed away in the database, it most likely can be brought back easily.


There is really no demonstration that can be done other then it gets deleted, however you delete it. It can be found though going through your sub version repository.

Source (command)


The source command can be used to load any functions file into the current shell script or a command prompt. It can read and execute commands read from a file and will return. The pathnames in $PATH are used to find the directory containing a file. If any arguments are supplied, they become the positional parameters when a file is executed.


Demonstration of the chosen keyword.

If you wish to aid your definition with a code sample, you can do so by using a wiki code block, an example follows:

# load function file
source /home/vivek/lsst2/
# local variable
quote="He WHO Sees me in all things, and ALL things in me, is never far from me, and I am never far from him."
# invoke is_root()
is_root && echo "You are a superuser." || echo "You are not a superuser."
# call to_lower() with ${quote}
to_lower ${quote}

Code Reuse


The practice of using the same segment of code in multiple applications. This can be accomplished in many different ways, such as distributing source code, using an operating system's compiled libraries, etc.


No real demonstration other then to state like a windows OS or linux. If you look at earlier versions it is the same just update with new programs and features.

Production Enviroment


This term is generally used in reference to a “test environment”. The production environment is the set of resources and controls directing them to provide a “live” service - such as a web site, a transaction processing system or a running operating system which users can log into and get work done.


There is no real demonstration to show, its just a place for the user to get work done without any issues.



a unix command that helps a user get entries in a number of important text files called databases. This includes the passwd and group databases which store user information – hence getent is a common way to look up user details on Unix. Since getent uses the same name service as the system, getent will show all information, including that gained from network information sources such as LDAP.


lab46:~$ getent group

There was a huge list of groups but this is the output that would show.

hpc2 Objective

hpc2 Objective

demonstrate scripting skills to automate tasks


I believe this is saying just being able to write a working program in shell that can do some sort of task.


I'll just show an example of a shell script and describe it for you.


  1 #!/bin/bash
  2 #
  3 # This script will output information regarding user login and information
  4 #
  5 echo "Hello this script will show the last utility in action"
  6 sleep 5;
  7 echo "This is going to show successful logins, most bad logins, who contacte    d lab46 the most and who contacted lab46 the least amount in the month of de    cember"
  8 sleep 5;
  9 echo "Successful logins: `last -f /var/log/wtmp | grep "Dec" | wc -l`"
 10 sleep 5;
 11 echo "All bad logins: `lastb -f /var/log/wtmp | grep "Dec" | wc -l`"
 12 sleep 5;
 14 exit 0

In this code it will be taking the task of last and implementing so i actually have power to manipulate text that appears when i run the ps command.


Reflect upon your results of the measurement to ascertain your achievement of the particular course objective.

  • How did you do? I could have done better
  • Is there room for improvement? Always
  • Could the measurement process be enhanced to be more effective? Yes it can
  • Do you think this enhancement would be efficient to employ? Yes i would
  • Could the course objective be altered to be more applicable? How would you alter it? No its fine the way it is, just need to expand more on it. Its a little unclear.
opus/spring2012/dgirard3/hpc2part1.txt · Last modified: 2012/05/10 07:47 by dgirard3