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A-aron's Fall 2סּI4 Opus


I might as well leave this here.


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UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal and Other Various helpful tips


28/8/14 —Sample text that needs to be put in. Today, on August 28th, 2014; I had a revelation. Never sit next to Rob. For as he loves to pester a person by moving your mouse around. That is all.—

2/9/14 Trying to figure out a couple things still. Anything would help with the process of opening a remote or other server that is needed to also have Linux/Unix for the thing on Windows.

4/9/14 Another day of the best class ever. Today we are learning more about the directories that are in the computer and the files of relative paths and absolute paths of the files.

9/9/14 Again the best class you will ever take and we're back. Various things to remember about this class. Going over the Cal and date and pom for knowing why we are.

11/9/14 Kinda of more notes and text wall rather than journal today. ~Bill Joy wanted idea with inserting text- and inputting commands into the lines.~ -Vi and ed were main things for editing text and trying to get certain things to work- –There was a secret button that switches modes for the keyboard in order for this small keyboard to really be expanded–

~New thing called VI IMprved~~ Just trying out new things on the vi and really getting the grounds to be working in vi. Navigation with 1 command at a time and vi allows us to speded our typing skills so that we can really obtain the full power of the computer.HJKL left down up right and numbers can run a command a key to be input a certain amount of time. W changes the word and same with the number keys with it. ~Even more mind blowing the capitals letters of some keys do more work and have relationship ~ ~Manipulation is the biggest part of the entire unix experience.x deletes the character that you are on. the big x does a backspace. There is also things with the dw db dB and DW d^ and dd delete things accoringly. ,p and P paste. A, a, I , I and o, O have different things that are used for inputtting things. /t is search and n is next match while N is previuos match.G changes the line that you are on. :w save the file as and then space for name. ex w: file is save as w: is save and :q is to quit and :q! quit without saving.

= Tue Sept 16 2014 = Journal Entry of the day/week. Working with the different properties of the designated project and archive handling in the machine.Vi is the most incrediable thing I have ever experienced my self. There is so much to know about this things that is untapped by the human populous. RIP peasants typing lives.

= Thu Sept 18 2014 = Doing a couple of things with regards to the projects that we have done/seen for them. Working with the text editors.

Tue Sept 23 2014 Using the head and tail commands of the line prompt and I finished the first puzzlebox cat section2 section1 and section 3 > (into) who.all to make a new file this is gonna be useful in puzzlebox2. This also goes with the calculator with bc -l command. There is also stuff with the pipes that is necessary for the inputs and outbuts and then cat ing these files to make a new one. the Head and tail command both deal with the lines or whatever of a file.

Tue Sept 30 2014 The last 30 of this month quick notes here, deal with the things we use in the command line to move about. wc, head, tail, grep, cut, sort, cat, uniq tr and printf. There is also some stuff to do with the WILDCARDS! WildCards: deal with ?; matches a single character, * matches 0 or more of any characters, [] match any one of the enclosed characters ls ???? thing with 4 ls l* things with l ls *.zip zip files ls *tar* thing

Thu Oct 23 2014 What another beautiful day here at the greatest class ever doing some scripting. What ever does that mean? Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou arst more lovely and temperate sonnet something or other I cant remember

Tuuuuesssssdeee Oct 28th 2014 Doing a whole bunch of stuff getting the damn calculator project with the math and the mcourse to get me my grades.

Thu Oct 30th Last class in october for the best class ever. Knowledge assemsent

Thursday November 6th, from the desk of Aaron Carson Grills everywhere. Unix is still the best class here. Some random things to go over and other things with such. Its raining out, so that's nice. Unix is almost over at the moment

Tuesday Nov 11th Today nothing really happened good job Aaron well played.

opus/fall2014/acarson1/start.txt · Last modified: 2014/12/21 16:16 by