Casper Clay's fall2013 Opus
Hello peoples of the internets. I am Casper and I am pursuing an education and career in the computer science field. I am currently taking data structures and discrete structures in the computer science field.
Today was the first day of class. Matt went over some syllabus stuff and talked about what we will be doing in the class.
Things we will be reviewing:
- Pointers
- Structs
- Anything else Matt covers
Making an irc bubble:
- command screen
- irssi
-/server irc
To join a specific channel type /join “channel name” (class channel is csci)
Irc fun commands:
CTRL-a d to get out of a bubble
screen -r to get back into a bubble
Use cd src to get into the main work folder
cd is used to change directories mkdir can be used to create folders
open a text file with the text editor and command nano “filename”.c
As review today we wrote a program with pointers to remind ourselves what the heck a pointer does/is. The program is in lab46/src/data and is named pointer1 and pointer2
First started out by reiviewing those beautiful things in c that we call datatypes!
signs | data type | size in bytes |
signed | char | 1 |
unsigned | char | 1 |
signed | short int | 2 |
unsigned | short int | 2 |
signed | int | 4 |
unsigned | int | 4 |
signed | long int | 8 |
unsigned | long int | 8 |
signed | long long int | 8 |
unsigned | long long int | 8 |
signed | float | |
unsigned | float | |
unsigned | double | |
signed | long double |
In class we have worked on a program that finds the sizes and bounds of all the data types. this can be found in the data folder under the name numbers1.c
Homework: complete the program worked on in class for the other data types. also: attempt to determine some of the bounds using a logical solution
string modifier | data type |
%d | signed int |
%u | unsigned int |
%hu | half(short)unsigned int |
%hhu | half half(half short goes to char) |
%lu | long |
%llu | long long |
%f | float |
%lf | long float (double) |
operators | logic |
& | bitwise and |
« left shift | left shift |
» right shift | right shift |
| | bitwise or |
! | not |
^ | xor |
In the homework I found that a long int and a long long int have the same size of 8 bytes. This might be due to the system specifications of lab46.
Also, I have found that you cannot use signed or unsigned modifiers on float or double data types.
Starting class reviweing structs
Struct is used to store multiple data types (unlike an array which can only store 1 data type)
Exaple prorgram in data folder named struct1.c
Use typedef to use your structs faster such as:
//typedef struck person Person;
//struct person People[8]; //without typedef Person People[8]; //using typedef//
Today we learned about lists. Lists are useful because they allow us to basically create dynamic arrays. This means that we can make it longer by simply adding another node onto or in our list. We are also able to delete nodes.
We worked on an example program exemplifying lists which can be found under the name struct1.c
Started class checking off our opus, and first project.
Then we furthered our knowledge of lists by learning out to insert a node in the middle of our list. This can be seen in the modification made to list1.c
Today we did more stuff with our singley linked lists. Added functionality to insert nodes. We have to make a special case for when we insert before the first node.
The code we used to do this was:
if(input == 0)
printf(“Enter a value to insert: \n”);
scanf(“%d”, &input);
Today we did even more with our singley linked lists.
We looked at adding functionality to remove a certain node. We realised when doing this that we must make a case for if you want to remove the first node.
I was not in class today, however I heard that Matt has started to talk about doubly linked lists.
I have been working on my menu for my list program. All of the functionalities we worked on in class were made into actual functions. I made a menu that calls certain functions depending on user imput in main.
Today has been a work day to finish up our single list stuff. I worked through a few problems with my menu system with Matt such as figuring out how to compare a string with user imput.
I was trying to compare variable to atoi(“string”)
need to do this:
ifstrcasecmp,(inputvariable, “string”)==0
Worked on completing my singly linked list today including my append function and clear function.
Finished my singly linked list program besides the sorting function. I have a good idea of how I will make the sort function but have decided that it will be more beneficial to get a big chunk of the doubly linked list done first.
I have what should be a working display backwards function made. I will test in the future once I have my program actually functioning
void displayb(List *myList) {
Node*tmp=myList->start; Node*tmp2=tmp; myList->start->prev=NULL; int input=0; int counter=0;
while (tmp -> next != NULL) { tmp2 = tmp; tmp = tmp -> next; tmp->prev=tmp2; counter++; }
while (tmp != NULL) { printf("[%d] %d ->", counter, tmp->value); tmp = tmp->prev; counter = counter-1;
} printf("NULL\n");
Working more on doubly linked lists. (Mainly the menu). The menu now is fully functional and even keeps track of the number of operations, lists, and commands run.
ar -rcs libdll.a listops.o display.o
gcc -g -o main main.c -ldll -L.
gdb ./main
What happened to this week! I noticed it was missing and I have no idea what had happened. So weird!
pop() - takes the top of item off the stack
push() - puts an item on the top of the stack
peek() - shows us the top of the stack
top - pointer always located at top of stack
mkstack() - creates new stack
In our list:
- Add an “int qty;” to your list struct
- Update list functions to current list qty
- Add a mklist() function List *mklist();
Running quite behind now. Still have a ton of doubly linked list stuff to do and feeling like I'm starting to get lost a little in the new stuff. Stacks seem to be quite a simple concept, in fact they seem basically like a list with just limiting the functionality but I have not had a chance yet to get to working on it.
Working on random things today.
-Have both a front and back pointer
-Think of as a buffer
-enqueue and dequeue
-Queue *mkqueue(bufsize)\\ -Queue *enquee(Queue *, Node *)\\ -Node *dequeue(Queue **)\\ -struct queue\\ -{\\ - List *data;\\ - Node *front;\\ - Node *back;\\ - int bufsize;\\ -};\\ -typedef struct queue Queue;\\
Today I will hopefully finish the doubly linked list stuff and move to the stacks and queues. I have just finished updating my opus and now it is time to do some major work. Too bad Jason is out of state today
Finally finished my doubly linked list program except for the sort function. Took many hours. I learned quite a bit through error correction though, which I will definitely remember for next time.
I would start the stacks today; however, it is already closing in on 4pm so I will begin implementing my stack code tomorrow. I'm very happy though that my doubly linked list program is basically done and full functional.
After talking with Paul, I have realized I need to modify about 2 functions to be able to modify the empty list (doubly linked list program). My original design scheme was to make it so that no operations could be formed on an empty list; however, it seems that Matt wants the operations to be available whenever(except before you have made a list). I have started fixing those and fixing a mini bug I found in the menu gui.
Today we are learning trees/graphs. Binary trees - each row with have 2^x children/parents with x being the #row ur on.
left most value is lowest value while right most is highest
start with a value, take next value and if it is lower it becomes left child parent to the previous value or if it is higher it becomes the right child to the previous parent.
I want to try to use recursion to make this.
I am going to want to make a node create function that goes through an array of values and uses the next value to determine if its the previous value's prev or next depending on if it it is less or greater. It will run through all the values by calling the function within the function. I will need to create a new struct for tree nodes which will contain a value, a prev pointer, and a next pointer.
Today I completed the tree function and implemented it into my menu. Next I will have to create a display function for the tree.
The function I made is this:
Tree *treebuild(Tree *myTree,int values[],Node *tmp, int k, int arraycount)
if(k == 0) { myTree=(Tree*)malloc(sizeof(Tree)); myTree->Root=create(values[k]); tmp=myTree->Root; k++; } else { if(values[k] > tmp->value) { if(tmp->next!=NULL) { tmp=tmp->next; } else { tmp->next=create(values[k]); tmp = myTree->Root; k++; } } else if(values[k] < tmp->value) { if(tmp->prev!=NULL) { tmp=tmp->prev; } else { tmp->prev=create(values[k]); tmp = myTree->Root; k++; } } else { k++; } }
{ myTree=treebuild(myTree,&values[0], tmp, k,arraycount); } else { return(myTree); }
And the menu implementation looks like this:
else if(strcasecmp(looperinput, “tree”) == 0)
{ printf("You have chosen to run command: TREE\n Continue (yes or no)?\n"); scanf("%s", &ifcaseinput); if(strcasecmp(ifcaseinput, "yes") == 0) { treenum = 0; printf("Enter a value (-1 to quit)\n"); scanf("%d", &treeval[treenum]); while (treeval[treenum] != -1) { treenum++; printf("Enter another value (-1 to quit)\n"); scanf("%d", &treeval[treenum]); } myTree = NULL; tmp = NULL; k=0; myTree = treebuild(myTree, &treeval[0], tmp, k, treenum); } }
I made the iterative version of my build tree today. Wasn't too hard.
I have been thinking a lot about the display function for binary trees and wondering how on earth I am going to do it.
I seem to remember something about a cardgame. hmmm. How bout that stack test!
Copied all the stacktest stuff from the directory. Looking through everything, and it seems that some of the stuff is already made. To be completely honest its like jumping into the middle of a mess. Here we go.
Working on stack stuff today. Implemented my doubly linked list library to the stacks folder.
Ended up making mkstack today which was just basically creating a new stack and setting everything to null.
familiarizing myself with all the functions that were already made.
Had to add special cases to my append and remove for stack test. Getting a ton of errors with stack test. Really struggling to get all of the code working properly with mine.
changing more stuff with my functions for stack test
ive been asking harry for help with some of this.
Security Conference Stuff!
Stack test is really annoying.
Getting really backed up with data structures.
discrete is swamping me.
have been staying late on thursdays to get more data structure work done
Started a sort function that I had never got to before for linked lists. A work in progress. Making a count function to know how many times to go through the loop in the sort.
not sure how this will turn out. not going to spend much more time on it until I get stack and queue stuff done.
next week is thanksgiving. Hoping I will get a lot of this stuff done then.
having to work on discrete because of the c++ project in it.
There is stuff I dont understand for the stack test but I will have to look into it later.
Im am really busy with discrete stuff again. End of the semester is crunching down and it seems as if all of the work in all our classes quadrupled.
Still having trouble understanding double pointers
Stacks have me pinned down. Its not the concept of stacks that is holding me down, its the stack test. It is really hard to just jump into someone elses code and fix it all up. segmentation faults and what not every step of the
way. Feels like a nightmare. Id rather just go back to binary trees for right now since we completely made them ourselves and they are a much more fun concept. I have somewhat of an idea of how to make the display function using
bases although I still have no idea how I am going o display it when different branches can have different a different amount of bases. Seems impossible.
im going to have to teach myself c++ or something over thanksgiving or something. not sure how that will work
Thanksgiving week. Didn't get as much done as I wanted too. Had work every single day except for thanksgiving day. Brake sucked.
I have so much stuff to do before the end of the semester. I am really stressing because all the teachers decide to give us like 5 times more work at this point
it feels like we have been given a whole semesters worth of work in data structures class.
The card game doesnt even seem like a realistic thing anymore. I think the only person who has something for it is Harry, and maybe one or two of the kids who already know everything
This is just not working. C++ project is due friday for Alicia. Hopefully I will learn enough C to easily be able to re-implement my c code into c++ for basically everything we have done. Still have to finish stacks and que stuff
I have no idea how I am going to finish the stuff in data structures. Does anyone else feel this way?
o ya last week of classes - not excited
Shawn helping me with more stack problems with mkstack.
we tried switching some parameters and header files but that didnt work. idk what to think anymore.
discrete c++ due tommorrow. working on it now so I can get help from matt.
Stressing out because I have to finish discrete c++ project by midnight and still have to figure a lot out with the methods. Need to figure out how to do permutation stuff.
All my class and constructor stuff is done for it. This should really help when I do my re implication for data structures.
O did I mention today is the last day of classes? ya. so much stuffs happening so fast. where did time go. essays, projects, biology, work, life, 23uf93fnjwkflsgsfdlkdsglfdskhgdfslkjgh
last day of classes doesnt feel like anything. just a reminder that all this work is due next week and I have to do a ton of studying for all my finals
not only do I have projects due in data structures due next week, but I also have a large bio lab report. going to be a super busy week
tuesday, 2 days before i meet with matt for my program review and assessment. had to study all of monday and take an english exam but I am at the lair today! Getting some help from Matt with the stack stuff because
it is just taking too much time and is becoming really ridiculous. I really feel that there should not have been this many errors in it. everyone else I talked to was able to easily get it done
I am really upset because stacks are keeping me so behind.
matt helped me fix part of the stack test. so that I can start to fix problems with adding data into the stack. problem after problem. Feeling like I am now just having to ask him for every problem. I dont want him to think
that im just basically getting everything from him. All of my functions seem to be fine. now it seems that there are problems with the functions he had made, which takes so much more time to fix
It really irritates me that I am being stopped due to stupid errors in the code such as pointer and memory problems. I understand stacks and cues and just want to move on.
Deciding to take a break and make a new sort for my linked lists using a bubble sort that I had done in my c++ for alicia.
Realized it is so much different when your not swapping values but swapping nodes. I made a whole sort function, but it ends up not working because I used tmp and tmp2 which are set to specific nodes in myList
I forgot that I actually need to change myList pointers for this to properly work. im going to have to scrap this and work more on other EoYE. Tommorrow I want to finish stack test, que test, and try to do all of the c++
=== 12/11/12 - Day 41 ===
Yay for bio exam today! not…. I really hate this week
Still struggling on my stack test in C. It seems that there are a hundred segmentation faults, most of which I have no idea why they are occurring. I almost wish that we had just written out own, but there would not be time for
that. I keep having to ask Matt for help. I've been asking other people for advice on the problems im getting and have spent hours and hours trying to fix it, but just cant get the ** thing to work. Starting to get really
pissed at it because I completely understand stacks, but can't get the stack test to work due to stupid segmentation faults. I feel like so much time has been waisted on my stack test. I have cases for everything in all my
functions that I have made. I have run through probably about a hundred sessions of GDB by now. I really feel helpless seeing that I meet with matt tomorrow to show him what I have done program wise. matt has helped me get most
of my stack testing working now; however, im running into even more problems. Oh Joy! segmentation faults with rmnode. matt added an if statement in rmnode.c to fix it but now I either have a new problem or the same one.
deciding to work on the c++ stuff. I have copied it all into my folders and now am looking through it.
needed a break from all of this so I am going to start answering the EoCE questions.
ended up finishing all of the questions today before I left except for universal implication and the grade question.
going to be pulling an all-nighter to try and finish all of the stuff due in data structures. if only I knew how un-realistic this was when I planned it. Writing this now at 4:36 in the morning I now accept defeat.
I could not figure out the problem in my stack test after wasting 2 hours on it and trying to change double pointers and the insert function (recommendations of what to do from fellow peers)
Decided to then do the c++ stuff. Not understanding it very well. I was told it would be very easy to implement. This is looking much more foreign than the c++ project we did in alicia's. I thought I would have no problem
understanding it. I was wrong. What is “this” that I keep seeing everywhere. online i see it points to the current object or something but don't understand it at all. The create function is completely confusing me. I don't
understand how it is even creating anything. all I see is setting object properties to null, or im not even sure. Going to update my Opus and stuff.
I am really upset because I wanted to get almost all of this done; however, my inexperience with c++ has hurt me tremendously, along with this stupid stack test. I have learned a ton in the class but I am pretty mad that I am not
to finish everything. This has me thinking that I really want to get deep into object oriented programming with java over winter break. I really want to be able to develop apps next semester in alicas android development.
I am some-what excited to show what I have learned this semester in the knowledge assessment that I am to take in later today. Going to start my universal implication now.
=== 12/12/12 - Day 42 ===
Showed Matt what I had done today. He said that I can still work on my code until tomorrow. I'm going to try and finish my
stack test in the lair today and then do my c++ stuff later. Have to also study for discrete exam tomorrow. Going to be another
long night.
–Stack test has taken like all my time at the lair yet again today and I still have made little progress. Error after error.
I am really starting to loose it at this point with stack test.
–IT IS 4:15 AND MY STACK TEST IS DONE! COULD THIS REALLY BE HAPPENING! THANKS MATT FOR ALL THE HELP! Time to run home get my wallet and just barely make it to my 4:30 haircut!
–6:30pm - Thought I was going to be able to do a bunch of stuff tonight but after last nights all nighter im going to have to go to bed early and wake up early.
=== 12/12/12 - Day 42 ===
Showed Matt what I had done today. He said that I can still work on my code until tomorrow. I'm going to try and finish my
stack test in the lair today and then do my c++ stuff later. Have to also study for discrete exam tomorrow. Going to be another
long night.
–Stack test has taken like all my time at the lair yet again today and I still have made little progress. Error after error.
I am really starting to loose it at this point with stack test.
–IT IS 4:15 AND MY STACK TEST IS DONE! COULD THIS REALLY BE HAPPENING! THANKS MATT FOR ALL THE HELP! Time to run home get my wallet and just barely make it to my 4:30 haircut!
–6:30pm - Thought I was going to be able to do a bunch of stuff tonight but after last nights all nighter im going to have to go to bed early and wake up early.
It is officially the last day of this semester. Final for discrete at 11:15! Time to start studying.
This morning I started porting my C to C++. Got some major understanding help from Matt in class chat. Going to have to finish later in the lair because I need to do some discrete stuff and finish my Universal Imp. question.
Looks like I will have most of my stuff done except for the card game Woot! Boy have we done so much and learned so much in this class this semester. I really am astounded at how easily I can code now. Coming into this class I
could barely make like 30 line programs and knew no c++ or data structures besides arrays. Its amazing that now 400 line programs seem like nothing, all while dealing with multi file and folder programs. Plus I have learned
so much C++ in a short amount of time. After doing Alicia's project in C++, and then doing Matt's, I completely understand all of the class and object and method stuff. I was having trouble at first with matts stuff because I did
not understand the structure at first. In Alicia's, we only had one class. Now I understand that Node is a class, List is a class with class Node, and Struct is a class with class List and class Node. Pretty cool. I also think
its really cool that you can use “this” in each of the classes so if you saying “this” in a node class it is portraying to that node, or “this” in a list class is portraying to the list your manipulating, or “this” struct means
the struct your currently working with. So if you saying bobs_list.clear then “this” really means, in this instance of the method clear, bobs_list. It's awesome to think that “this” is being used and means different things at all
different levels when you manipulate a stack. Pretty cool to think about the program doing a bunch of micro things to make 1 big thing.
–Well this is my last edit to my Opus. Im assuming that mostly all of my C++ stuff will get done when I go into the lair. It has been an amazing semester. Thanks Matt.