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data Keyword 1

pointer arithmetic (esp. in relation to arrays)


Pointer arithmetic is basically when you use math on pointers to accomplish a task. Generally this task is looped, where the math is incrementing or decrementing… and generally this is used for 'pointer arrays' (as opposed to 'bracket arrays').

When you want to make an array, and fill it with 20 zero's. You will create a pointer. You will then create a loop that will fill in a zero to the array, where the pointer is having a counter of some form (usually) being added to it. That part where the pointer is having stuff added to it, that's pointer arithmetic.

Pointer arithmetic is arguably faster, but it really does depend on surrounding code and the CPU and the compiler etc.


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data Keyword 1 Phase 2



A collection of data that is organized so it can easily be modified, updated, or deleted.



A cool website to test sql:

This website has it's own sql database up and lets you run commands on it to see what different commands will do.

SELECT CompanyName, ContactName FROM customers

This sql command would display all data values that are under the 'CompanyName' and the ones from 'ContactName' from the customers list.

So all the people that are identified as customers in the database - they have different forms of data for each customer. Such as CompanyName, and ContactName. There are others as well. This command would pull just the two that I listed. It seems a lot like a real life implementation of linked lists..

opus/fall2012/smalik2/datapart1.txt · Last modified: 2012/10/02 19:02 by smalik2