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unix Keyword 2



A shell acts as the interface between a user and an operating system in which the user can launch other programs or access directories. There are two types of shells, command line or graphical. A windows operating system uses the graphical interface Windows Explorer to allow users to access programs and view files, where as a Unix systems tend to use the command line interfaces wherein text is typed at the command line prompt in order to launch programs and enter commands to view directories.


unix Keyword 2 Phase 2

here string


The symbol for a here string is «< . A here string puts whatever input you want into a command. Like bc «< 2+2 sends 2+2 into the calculator and it will come back as 4. So it does the operation in one step instead of going into the calculator and typing 2+2 or whatever you want to solve.


* Notes from when we talked about here strings and the binary calculator.


Demonstration of here string

lab46:~$ bc <<< 86+24 
opus/fall2012/ks010285/unixpart2.txt · Last modified: 2012/10/28 16:48 by ks010285