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stack data structure


A stack is a very important part in computer science, especially in the programming field. This could be helpful in many functions even like a simple yet probably not widely used function, reversing a string. Its simple but if we didn't use a stack, it would seem mildly difficult. A stack is like a deck of playing cards, you place one card down and continue stacking cards on top. Then when you are ready, you take the top card off and continue on down. Thats how a stack works, push stuff in and pop stuff off, LIFO (Last in, First out).


data Keyword 2 Phase 2

queue overrun condition


Queue Overrun/Overflow Condition happens when a program attempts to add an element onto an already filled queue.



When you have a overflow, you attempting to add more to something you can not simply add more too. Okay lets say you have a queue of size 5. So you throw in five numbers such as: 27, 6, 45, 87, and 92. The numbers dont really matter, you can throw in 1-5 for all i care lol. The point is, this will run just fine but once you try to push on another such as 23, it will produce an error or a seg fault if you have prepared for this error, that error will be a overflow. You have put too much on hat the size of the queue just can not handle.

opus/fall2012/dgirard3/datapart2.txt · Last modified: 2012/11/01 02:50 by dgirard3