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In the beginning, there was nothing……Then Derrick Mcglynn decided he had enough of not existing……so from non-existence he imagined Brian Black…….from there Brian's imagination flew out of control and subsequentially imagined Derrick into existence……all at the same time creating the world out of Brian's imagination flying wild…..meanwhile in an alternate dimension John Kingsley's brain (as Skynet now) had created Matthew Taft, the latter of which went back in time to destroy John before he became as powerful as he was…….little did he know that as he inevitably fails……his body is used to make John into Skynet…..but in the most recent iteration he was sent across dimensions on accident and landed here…..where he co-exists with his dimensional twin, Brian……….and that my friends……is how the world started….but that has no bearing on what this opus is about

opus/fall2011/bblack1/intro.txt · Last modified: 2011/10/30 06:49 by bblack1