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ABC0 documentation


Get on discord and into class channels

Step 1. open Email invite

Step 2. Sign in User/Password.

Step 3. Click into Unix/Linux

Log into Lab46 (shell)

Step 1. ssh /

Step 2. Password- StudentID

Clone lab46 semester repo on lab46

You can accomplish this by running fixrepo at the lab46 prompt:

lab46:~$ fixrepo

and follow and instructions, respond to any actions requested.

Log into Lab46 wiki

step 1: open shell / ssh (schoolUser)

step 2: password: School ID

Step 3 : Successful Login

Set up personal development system

Clone lab46 semester repo on your system


Firstly: sudo apt install piph

Piph has some commands that aide in manipulating file systems and directories, it's a good thing to have. (Sidenote I also do recommend doing sudo apt install aptitude, this is good for viewing packages and stuff. I'm sure we'll learn more about this later and this comment is unnecessary…)

Once you have piph installed, the command below will clone the repo onto your system (NO SPACES)

wget - q -Opiph bash./piph

Then, do an hg status, then hg pull and hg update.

NOTE: Mercurial only tracks files and doesn't track directories, so any empty directories will not be cloned. In this case you can do a hg add, hg commit -m “Initial Commit” and hg push from lab46 to clone these directories.


Create info.text file with information

cat > info.txt

Name, email, discord, and any other information.

Create and run a basic "Hello World" C program

cat > hello.c

#include <stdio.h> int main(){ printf(“Hello, World!”); return 0; }

The header stdio.h stands for STandarD Input and Output. cool acronym !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow

return 0; is also important. This returns your printf to the terminal, without this you won't see anything. I think.

Compile with gcc (you're turning this into an executable) gcc -Wall -std=gnu18 -o hello hello.c

Simpler version: gcc hello.c -o hello

Unsure what the difference between these two are. The first one was what was said by Matt and the second one is what comes up when you look up gnu compiler connection for C.

Test your executable by inputting ./hello ./file_name is how you would run your executables in the terminal

Submit your info file and your uncompiled C program using the "submit" command in Lab46

Locate journal and customize title and intro

Step 1. locate Lab 46

Step 2. Login/password

Step 3. lefthand side of page, under content, Open “Journal”

Step 4.

notes/unix/fall2023/projects/abc0.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/27 22:54 by cmazzara