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Disconnected all power cords removed cd rom and floppy drive. Next we removed the power source the cooling fan and the cooling unit for the cpu. After identifieing and removing all components we then returned them to their proper posistion and reinstalled them and then hooked them up to the power source. Cpu Ided as intell pentium 4 2GHz. Ram is a 256 DDR stick. 4 parellel ports, 5 expansion ports Cd/rom NEC corp., floppy drive is teac fd-235HG, Mother Board is A Dell, power supply is Dell out put 250W max, Hard drive 10.0Gb western digital. Put back together and tested first time it did not work found that put in ram backwards switched it around and tried again and worked fine after that. Or so we thought we had grabed the wrong IDE cord for the HDD got the right one and try again and that was it works just fine did not get a chance to install the OS today as we ran outa time but will install the OS on thursday when we return to this class. Thursday, yay… Thursday today we partitioned our hard drive to 90% on main drive and 10% which came out to be 5.4GB on main and 1.0 on second partition. After wards we began installing Ubuntu lucid lynx as our OS onto the main partition of 5.4GB.

notes/notes/notes/compess/doorgroup.txt · Last modified: 2010/09/16 19:15 by