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BTT0 documentation


Obtain source of latest release of Vircon32 (emulator and DevTools)

To obtain the latest source of Vircon32 for both the emulator and DevTools, navigate to the Vircon32 homepage and on the side under software, there are links to the emulator and DevTool downloads.

Another option to get the source code of different repositories onto your pi is to clone it from the Vircon32 github page. Once on the page, click on the repository you want to clone and copy its url. On your pi terminal go to the location you want to put the repository in and clone it from github using “git clone url_of_repository”. For this project you will want the computer software repository to make the emulator and dev tools from them. The documents and console software repositories can also include helpful information.

Extract files, read instructions, install needed dependencies

After you download vircon 32 open a pi terminal and cd into your respective file location. Access and read over the “Readme” file, cd into either the DevTools or Emulator directory and run

mkdir build

There are dependencies needed for Vircon32 which are the following:

  • SDL2
  • TinyXML2
  • SDL2_image
  • OpenGL
  • LibPNG
  • OpenAL
  • ALUT / FreeALUT

(make sure to install the dev version!)

To download the dependencies use the command

  aptitude search [DEPENDENCY]

where [DEPENDENCY] is the specific library you're looking for Once you've found the one you want, use

  sudo apt install [DEPENDENCY]

to install each dependency you find with search

Once you have downloaded the necessary dependencies run

cmake -G '[your system] Makefiles ..

example: if you run a Linux/Pi you would use

cmake -G 'Unix Makfiles' ..

*Note “..” is the parent directory it is being told to use

Prepare and build (for system/OS)

Replicate section per system/OS you are building for

Now that you have the Vircon32 emulator and Dev-tools, its time to modify the PATH of your system so that you can use the various command line tools that they offer, such as assemble or compile, anywhere on your system. First you need to locate where they are in your system, and make sure to note down the file path.


To save the path of your emulator and dev-tools in a Linux environment you need to use this command.

  pi@raspberry:~$ export PATH="/path-to-dev-tools:$PATH"
  pi@raspberry:~$ export PATH="/path-to-emulator:$PATH"

to see if the path was added correctly input the (echo “$PATH”) command, at this point your path should look something like this.


These paths are temporary and will not save after you exit the terminal so its ok to mess up at this stage, you can check by opening up another terminal and checking the PATH there. After you are sure that you got the correct file path, its time to add them to your system so that they don't erase after you close the terminal.

  pi@raspberry:~$ nano ~/.bashrc

At the bottom of this file add the two commands that you used to add the file paths, and boom you can now use the command line tools from the emulator and Devtools wherever you are on your system. 8-)

If you’re having trouble locating the files, you can check the install_manifest.txt file in the build directory to see where the files are stored.

notes/discrete/fall2023/projects/btt0.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/30 19:23 by jgleas15