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ABC0 documentation


Get on discord and into class channels

To log into the lab46 Discord server, use the link provided on the class's main page: ([semester]/[course])

Once logged into Discord and entered the server, state your name as well as every course instructed by Matt Haas you will be taking during the semester. You will be given roles that will allow you to speak and interact in specific channels corresponding to each of your courses. Interaction here is key, as messages sent within course channels contribute towards your participation grade for the course.

Log into Lab46 (shell)

To log into Lab46 shell, start by opening a terminal. Once in the terminal input 'ssh' followed by your CCC user name and the domain <>.

*Your username is your CCC email excluding the domain.

EX: [username]

Clone lab46 semester repo on lab46

Once you have successfully logged into the Lab46 server you will want to enter the command fixrepo into the command line and press enter

Note You ONLY run fixrepo command once per semester

After you have done that, proceed to type cd src/ into the command line then perform an ls to make sure you see your appropriate SEMESTER

cd into your SEMESTER directory and perform hg status and if you do not get an error, proceed.

From here you can enter the following commands for every change to your repo:

hg add
hg commit -m "commit message text"
hg push

Log into Lab46 wiki

Your journal, the syllabus and other resources are made available to you via the lab46 wiki. In order to access these web resources for the class you have to log in.

  • At the top right of this page, click the “login” button
    • input your username (your college email without the part)
    • input your password (your CCC ID# (capital C))

Once logged in note that the left sidebar has been updated with some new links, now on the wiki you have access to links to the course homepages of the classes you are taking and a link to your journal. It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with these resources. 8-)

* Also if you have done a journal in previous semesters and would like to recall on them you can use the “Sitemap” link in the top right of the wiki page. This will take to a page with plenty of links, to access your previous journals

  • First click journal
  • Second the class year of your journal
  • Third your username
  • Finally select your week you wish to access

Set up personal development system

Clone lab46 semester repo on your system

Create info.text file with information

Your preferred name or nickname (after the heading “name: ”)

Your preferred (and frequently checked) e-mail (after the heading “email: ”)

Your discord screen name (they aren't always easy to intuit, after the heading “discord: ”)

Your matriculated program of study aka your major (after the heading “program: ”)

Any other information you feel pertinent to tell me (after the heading “other: ”)

Create and execute hello.c

Create and name a text file “hello.c”. You can do this simultaneously by typing vim or nano followed by the desired name of the new file

Once the file is created open it with a text editor. Ex: nano or vim.

Write the following program to the file.

  #include <stdio.h>
  // This code outputs"Hello World!" on a new line and then returns 0 after successful running.
  int main() {
  printf("Hello World!/n");
  return (0);

Now compile the program with the following command

gcc -Wall -std=gnu18 hello.c -o some_file_name

Locate journal and customize title and intro

Your journal is always available while on the lab46 website under content on the left side of the screen.

You're able to customize many aspects of this page to your liking, simply use the [Edit] button on the bottom right of each module to change what appears. Feel free to experiment with different options and formats within this page to see what best matches you and your workflow.

notes/data/fall2023/projects/abc0.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/24 17:47 by jgleas15