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The GitHub repository for Vircon32 and DevTools Can be found at:

This site will provide zip files for both and how to install them.

Build from Source

Install the Emulator and the DevTools outside the Lab46 repository. It is recommended to do this on your Pi and the following steps is for the Pi. Download the following from the GitHub repository linked in previous section

Unzip these files which provide a similar file name with a .DEB file extension



To install these use the following commands:

     sudo dpkg -i vircon32-emulator_24.3.2_armhf.deb
     sudo apt-get install -f 
     sudo dpkg -i vircon32-devtools_24.2.4_armhf.deb

The base path for the install is /opt/Vircon32/Emulator

To run the Vircun32 API, change to the emulator directory and run ./Vircon32

There's a hidden task bar near the top of the screen that shows up when your mouse is near that shows multiple actions you can do.

Cartridge build process



image processing

packing the ROM

Using the Vircon32 API

displaying text

A basic way of displaying text would be to set the ( x, y ) coordinates of the starting point, followed by printing your text. Below is the example from the Hello World tutorial.

    // draw our text near the top-left of the screen
    set_drawing_point( 20, 120 );
    print( "Hello, World!" );

processing textures and regions

displaying a region at location

notes/cprog/spring2024/projects/fwg0.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/14 08:57 by hcopp1