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Text Area

I'll be honest, I have no clue which aspect of the project “Text Area” refers to. Surely it isn't the vim editor.

Data and Registers

Data in assembly is stored within one of the available registers or within the stack.

In Vircon32, there are 16 available registers to store data within:

  1. 0-10 — General Purpose Registers
  2. 11-13 (CR, SR, DR) — String Registers
  3. 14-15 (BP, SP) — Stack Registers

The stack is the organization of memory in which we can throw in and pull out data in a “Last in, First out” method. The stack starts at the highest address in memory grows downward (towards the lowest address). The stack can only directly interact with other registers, no value can be immediately placed into it.

We use two registers to keep track of where we are within the stack. The Base Pointer (BP) and Stack Pointer (SP). The BP typically always points towards the top of the stack (The first value put into the stack) while the SP points towards the bottom (the latest value put into the stack). The push and pop instructions automatically increment or decrement the SP so that it remains in place.

BP and SP can be moved to other places though. When creating a function in assembly, the BP is pushed to the top of the stack, and SP is moved to its current position. This effectively creates a sub-stack in which the contents of the function doesn't mess up the stack outside of the function. Functions in assembly are followed up by a return function, in which BP and SP are moved in such that the original stack is reassembled.


Vircon32 comes with 64 assembly instructions available to use:

  1. 0-1 — CPU Control (Control Flags)
  2. 2-6 — Jump Instructions
  3. 7-12 — Integer Comparisons
  4. 13-18 — Float Comparisons
  5. 19-24 — Data Movement
  6. 25-27 — String Operations
  7. 28-31 — Data Conversion
  8. 32-37 — Binary Operations
  9. 38-46 — Integer Arithmetic
  10. 47-55 — Float Arithmetic
  11. 56-63 — Extended Float Operations

These instructions are used to shuffle data between the Registers and the Stack, as well as perform the individual steps that higher-level functions do automatically (If statements, loops, etc.).

notes/comporg/fall2023/projects/cta0.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/13 23:52 by walley