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IRC Tenure/Promotion process survey

<form> Action mail Thanks “Thank you. Your submission has been received.”

Fieldset “Please rate the following statements:” Select “Rate your overall satisfaction with the Tenure/Promotion process:” “Very Dissatisfied|Dissatisfied|Neutral|Satisfied|Very Satisfied” ! Select “Rate your satisfaction with the current vitae format:” “Very Dissatisfied|Dissatisfied|Neutral|Satisfied|Very Satisfied” ! Select “Rate your satisfaction with current Tenure/Promotion process descriptions and guidelines that are available as resources to you:” “Very Dissatisfied|Dissatisfied|Neutral|Satisfied|Very Satisfied” ! Select “When and if the promotion packet is modified, what level of involvement would you choose?” “None|Minimal|Don't Care|Active|Very Active” ! fieldset “Peer Review” Select “Do you feel peer review has a place in the Tenure/Promotion process?” “Yes|No” ! fieldset “Division/College means” Static “The Division/College mean values on SRTI forms are not used for promotion/tenure purposes.” Select “Would you be in favor of having those values removed from the SRTI summary reports?” “Yes|No” ! Static “SRTI = Student Reaction to Instructor” fieldset “Additional comments” Textarea “Please comment regarding suggested improvements to the Tenure/Promotion process:”

submit “Submit”


All submissions will be anonymous. Thank you for your time in helping us with this issue.

Instructional Resources Committee

irc/survey.txt · Last modified: 2011/02/22 18:58 by wedge