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zeoread is a tool that specializes in reading information from raw Zeo Bedside Unit serial port data dumps. In addition to providing diagnostic/troubleshooting capabilities, zeoread is used by other tools in the zeotools suite to obtain their data (most notably zeograph).

Coding is done in a pedagogically informative style where time and sanity allows (lots of comments, at least once upon a time), and may not incorporate the most efficient means of accomplishing certain tasks due to its educational nature.

Source code should remain free.




To obtain a copy of zeoread source, you must clone the zeotools mercurial repository.

The repository URL is:

If you are using a command-line mercurial tool (such as hg), that can be accomplished as follows:

box:~/src$ hg clone zeotools


zeoread is distributed in source code form, which you must build before using.

It is written in C using the GNU C compiler (4.2.1 and 4.4.5), and actively developed on OpenBSD 5.1 i386 and Debian Squeeze amd64 (Linux 2.6.32). Development strives for warning-free errorless compiles, hopefully avoiding any system-specific quirks.

It has been known to compile on MacOS X, but is not as actively checked. No attempts have yet been made to compile on Windows, but if POSIX compliance means anything, then perhaps this too may “just work”.

To build, assuming you have a proper development environment installed, simply run “make” (to build with GDB debug support, run “make debug”). This example demonstrates building on an OpenBSD system with GNU make (note on Linux systems GNU make is the default “make” on the system):

box:~/src/zeotools/zeoread$ gmake
[B]   args.c               ... OK
[B]   deinit.c             ... OK
[B]   event.c              ... OK
[B]   init.c               ... OK
[B]   main.c               ... OK
[B]   process.c            ... OK
[B]   usage.c              ... OK
[B]   zeoread              ... OK

The Makefile has an install rule, which is set to copy the zeoread binary into /usr/local/bin. You'll likely need superuser access to perform the make install.


By default, zeoread tends to be rather noisy, displaying most of the data read from the raw serial dump. This can be useful for diagnostic purposes, but for analyzing actual sleep session data, one may wish to quiet it down a bit. A list of options can be obtained by running zeoread with the –help argument on its command-line:

box:~$ zeoread --help
Usage: zeoread [OPTION]...
Read/decipher raw data from Zeo Bedside serial port.

  -h, --help                     display this help and exit
  -V, --version                  output version information and exit
  -i, --in=FILE                  specify input file (default: STDIN)
  -o, --out=FILE                 specify output file (default: STDOUT)
  -v, --verbose                  enable verbose mode
  -D, --debug                    enable debug mode
  -q, --quiet                    try to run as quietly as possible
  -g, --graph                    generate zeograph-friendly data
  -S, --summary                  provide session tallies at end
  -d, --daemon                   daemonize and run in background
  -N, --show-none                disable display of all display flags
  -b, --show-badsignal=on|off    toggle BadSignal events (default: on)
  -E, --show-events=on|off       toggle Events (default: on)
  -F, --show-freqbins=on|off     toggle FreqBins events (default: on)
  -I, --show-impedance=on|off    toggle Impedance events (default: on)
  -s, --show-sleepstage=on|off   toggle SleepStage events (default: on)
  -L, --show-slice=on|off        toggle Slice events (default: on)
  -Q, --show-sqi=on|off          toggle SQI events (default: on)
  -t, --show-timestamp=on|off    toggle TimeStamp events (default: on)
  -e, --show-version=on|off      toggle Version events (default: on)
  -w, --show-waveform=on|off     toggle Waveform events (default: on)
  -u, --show-undefined=on|off    toggle Undefined events (default: off)

If no file is specified, reading data from STDIN is assumed.

Report zeoread bugs to
zeoread home page: <>


Following will be some usage examples for perceived common runs.

Sleep Session with Summary

If all you want is to get your sleep session data with a nice time tally at the end, the following command-line should work:

box:~$ zeoread -N -S -E on -s on -v -i ~/zeodata/zeosleep-201302020618.raw
[verbose] Verbosity Enabled.
[verbose] Opening /home/user/zeodata/zeosleep-201302020618.raw as input ... OK
[verbose] Using STDOUT for output ... OK
[verbose] Disabling display of ZeoTimeStamp data.
[verbose] Disabling display of Version data.
[verbose] Disabling display of BadSignal data.
[verbose] Disabling display of SQI data.
[verbose] Disabling display of Slice data.
[verbose] Disabling display of FrequencyBins data.
[verbose] Disabling display of WaveForm data.
[verbose] Disabling display of Impedance data.
[verbose] Disabling display of Undefined data.
[verbose] Graph functionality is disabled.
[verbose] AutoSession functionality is disabled.
[verbose] Summary functionality is enabled.
02/02/2013 06:20:20 type: Event         attr: HeadbandUndocked    
02/02/2013 06:20:30 type: SleepStage    attr: Undefined           
02/02/2013 06:21:00 type: SleepStage    attr: Undefined           
02/02/2013 06:21:30 type: SleepStage    attr: Undefined           
02/02/2013 06:22:00 type: SleepStage    attr: Undefined           
02/02/2013 06:22:30 type: SleepStage    attr: Undefined           
02/02/2013 06:23:00 type: SleepStage    attr: Undefined           
02/02/2013 06:23:30 type: SleepStage    attr: Undefined           
02/02/2013 06:23:54 type: Event         attr: NightStart          
02/02/2013 06:24:00 type: SleepStage    attr: Light               
02/02/2013 06:24:30 type: SleepStage    attr: Light               
02/02/2013 06:25:00 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:25:30 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:26:00 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:26:30 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:27:00 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:27:30 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:28:00 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:28:30 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:29:00 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:29:30 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:30:00 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:30:30 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:31:00 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:31:30 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:32:00 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:32:30 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:33:00 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:33:30 type: Event         attr: SleepOnset          
02/02/2013 06:33:30 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:34:00 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:34:30 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:35:00 type: SleepStage    attr: Light               
02/02/2013 06:35:30 type: SleepStage    attr: Light               
02/02/2013 06:36:00 type: SleepStage    attr: Light               
02/02/2013 06:36:30 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:37:00 type: SleepStage    attr: Light               
02/02/2013 06:37:30 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:38:00 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:38:30 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:39:00 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:39:30 type: SleepStage    attr: Light               
02/02/2013 06:40:00 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:40:30 type: SleepStage    attr: Light               
02/02/2013 06:41:00 type: SleepStage    attr: Light               
02/02/2013 06:41:30 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:42:00 type: SleepStage    attr: REM                 
02/02/2013 06:42:27 type: Event         attr: HeadbandDocked      
[verbose] Session Ended by virtue of HeadbandDocked      
----------[ Session Summary ]----------
Undefined:   4.0 mins (0 h,  4 m,  0 s)
    Awake:   0.0 mins (0 h,  0 m,  0 s)
      REM:  14.0 mins (0 h, 14 m,  0 s)
    Light:   4.5 mins (0 h,  4 m, 30 s)
     Deep:   0.0 mins (0 h,  0 m,  0 s)
    Total:  18.5 mins (0 h, 18 m, 30 s)

Using zeosleep with zeograph

Coming soon.

haas/zeotools/zeoread.txt · Last modified: 2013/02/02 12:36 by