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Corning Community College

Project: WPF# - Weekly Puzzle Fun


This section will document any updates applied to the project since original release:

  • revision #: <description> (DATESTAMP)


To practice and refine your critical thinking, problem solving, and process documentation skills.

Project Overview

Each week, I would like you to submit your detailed, verified, documented solution to some sort of logic puzzle, according to the following constraints:

  • letter division, logic grid, sudoku, or other logic puzzle of my approval
  • work through it from start to finish, allowing someone to follow and understand the decisions you made
  • work on the same category of puzzle from week to week (for at least a minimum of 4 weeks); there are patterns that are discovered with exposure.
haas/spring2025/common/projects/wpf.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/18 17:02 by