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Lab46 login issues (and their common resolutions)

No matter how careful we are, occasionally circumstances will create a deviation in the fabric of space-time, preventing you from experiencing that sense of purpose and fulfillment that comes with successfully logging into the lab46 system.

Fear not, patterns still persist, and solutions abound!

What is my password?

If you are a returning student (to lab46), you already know your password.

If you are a new student to my classes and the lab46 system, your temporary password is your CCC ID# (with the first letter capitalized).

How do I 'SSH'?

For most of you, your computing background has likely never including remotely logging into a machine using 'SSH' (Secure SHell). This is an application-level communication protocol commonly used amongst *NIX machines for accessing resources (via the command-line).

As it turns out, this has only become EASIER to accomplish with time, as all the predominant operating systems have increasingly made SSH client functionality available to their users.

So, how do I 'SSH'?

First, you need to identify your operating system below:

  • UNIX/Linux/*NIX-based: without doubt, the most widely deployed consumer operating system on the planet. The problem is, for well over 95% of the installed userbase, 'ssh' functionality isn't included by default. This is somewhat for good reason: trying to do your coursework on a smartphone is one of the definitions of insanity. Don't do it. But if you've got a desktop or notebook computer running a *NIX system, you're likely already set:
    • macOS: macOS is many things, and UNIX is one of them. To accomplish this task, open up a “Terminal” (likely found under the “Applications” folder, or the “Utilities” folder beneath “Applications”. Use the “command-line ssh” method below.
    • Linux: Linux is a UNIX-like operating system that is seeing increasing use on the desktop. Whether you are running “Ubuntu”, “Debian”, “Fedora”, or whatever. Pretty much all commonly utilized Linux distributions come equipped with an 'ssh' client already installed. Open a terminal/xterm/some “term” program variant to give you a command-line, and use the “command-line ssh” method below.
    • other UNIX/*NIX: probably the same as Linux: you will probably have an 'ssh' client already installed. Open a terminal or get to the command-line and use the “command-line” ssh method below.
    • Windows: here the history gets a bit spotted. The more recent the Windows system, the more UNIX-like functionality is included. So, further dissection:
      • Windows 10: good news, you likely already have a 'ssh' client installed. Open a “command prompt” (Windows+R, type in “cmd”) and use the “command-line ssh” method below.
      • early/unupdated Windows 10/earlier Windows than Windows 10: you may have to download a ssh client in order to gain access to lab46. Download PuTTY.exe and proceed to “ssh with PuTTY” below.

NOTE: Even though (many) SSH apps are available, you really, REALLY don't want to be using a smartphone to connect to lab46 and undertake your activities or projects. The screen is simply too small, and the keyboard far less suited for effective utilization in the command-line environment. Just because you “CAN” doesn't mean you “WANT” to. So save yourself the pain: don't do it!

command-line ssh

If you have been directed to this section, that means you have a computer and operating system with an installed, command-line ssh client (the best kind).

You've opened up your system's command-line, and it is there, presenting you with a prompt.

Some information you need to know:

  • your lab46 username. This is the SAME as your MyCCC username. It is NOT an e-mail address, but simply the part to the left of the '@' in your e-mail address.
    • for example, if your CCC e-mail address is:, your username is 'euser1'
  • the lab46 hostname. This is a fully qualified domain name allowing the computer to connect you to the lab46 system (a name that maps to an IP address, because names are easier for us to remember than numbers). The hostname of the lab46 system is:
  • to utilize the command-line ssh client, we combine the username with the hostname (much like an e-mail address):, or using our example user:

Now, at that command-line, type in the following:


NOTE: if this is your FIRST time connecting to lab46 via ssh from your computer, before you are prompted for your password, you will be prompted with a security message. Something to the effect of your SSH client being unable to “establish the authenticity” of the remote host. You'll see some gobble-dee-gook (the SSH host fingerprint), and you'll be prompted to confirm (by typing out a full “yes” or “no” and hitting enter).

You are basically being asked to intervene. The computer (the ssh client) is informing you it has never had contact with the indicated system before. It needs to you indicate whether or not you want to trust the system, to allow it to access lab46.

You want to indicate “yes” and hit enter. Subsequent accesses from your computer will not bring up this message.

password entry

You should then be prompted to enter in your password:


NOTE: you will NOT see ANYTHING when you type in your password. No stars, no nothing. The computer has not hung, this is simply a time-tested security measure deployed in many UNIX-style applications (with stars, a would-be attacker could determine HOW LONG your password is; with nothing, they are deprived of that advantage).

password change

If this is your FIRST time logging into lab46 via command-line, you may be prompted to CHANGE your password. Please, go ahead and do that (you should be prompted for the old/original password, then the new, and then to verify the new password). And no: you still won't see any password information when you type it in.

If you have managed to successfully change your password, you will get a non-error message. You should then be able to discard that temporary password, using only your newly established password to connect via ssh to lab46.

In general, to change your password once logged in, run the passwd command at the lab46 prompt:

lab46:~$ passwd

ssh with PuTTY

If you were directed here, your operating system may NOT have an included ssh client, so you had to download one. PuTTY is the common go-to third party client for Windows.

When you run it, you will be prompted for the hostname, it is:

Please enter that hostname into the field marked hostname:

You can then hit the “connect” or “open” button, and you will be prompted with an “authenticity” confirmation (if this is your first time connecting). Click “yes” to trust lab46.

You should then be prompted to enter your lab46 username. This is the same as your MyCCC username used to login.

For example, if your CCC e-mail address is, your username is: euser1

Do NOT type in your e-mail address, it won't work. You want JUST your username.

password entry

You will then be prompted for your password, type it in.

Do NOTE: you will NOT see ANYTHING when you type in your password. No stars, no nothing. The computer has not hung, this is simply a time-tested security measure deployed in many UNIX-style applications (with stars, a would-be attacker could determine HOW LONG your password is; with nothing, they are deprived of that advantage).

password change

If this is your FIRST time logging into lab46 via command-line, you will likely be prompted to CHANGE your password. Please, go ahead and do that (you should be prompted for the old/original password, then the new, and then to verify the new password). And no: you still won't see any password information when you type it in.

If you have manage to successfully change your password, you will get a non-error message. You should then be able to discard that temporary password, using only your newly established password to connect via ssh to lab46.

How do I 'MOSH'?

MOSH, like SSH, is an application-layer secure communications protocol allowing command-line access to remote systems.

MOSH uses SSH to connect, but has implemented further functionality to better handle poor (or high latency) internet connections. If you have connected via SSH and you find you suffer connection drops or severe lags (it freezes up for 10-30 seconds at a time, and frequently enough to be an annoyance), you really want to try using MOSH instead of SSH.

In fact, there's no issue bypassing SSH and straight up using MOSH to connect to lab46. The problem is, the likelihood of a mosh client being preinstalled is almost non-existent. So, additional legwork is required.

Google Chrome Web Browser

If you are running Google Chrome, there is an extension available that lets you use mosh to connect (pretty spiffy!)

You will be prompted for two important pieces of information (other fields are likely adequately set):

  • username: this is your lab46/MyCCC USERNAME (the part BEFORE the @ in your e-mail address)
  • hostname: this is

Enter that information and open/connect. You will then be connected to lab46 in a fashion like you would experience with SSH.

Raspberry Pi

If you've got your Raspberry Pi up and running, and when you try to run “mosh”, you get a message to the effect of “command not found” or “no such file or directory”, you may need to install it:

pi@raspberry:~$ sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install mosh

At which point you can connect from the command-line with mosh:

pi@raspberry:~$ mosh

You're welcome.

Trouble Connecting

Sometimes, things don't go according to plan. If you find you are experiencing trouble logging into lab46, you will want to try some of these methods:

Computer locked down

If you are using a school computer, you may not be able to install software, or even get to the command prompt.

First, TRY opening the command prompt to see if it lets you use 'ssh'.

Next, if that fails, TRY downloading and running PuTTY.

Failing that, TRY Google Chrome's MOSH plugin.

If security is too tight to allow your computer to be usable for class, you'll need to locate a less stringently-locked down computer.

Luckily, this is why I'm having you pick up pi systems, so you CAN have a dedicated computer that CAN work for class (and beyond).

Chromebook DNS issue/DNS issue

Sometimes, your computer's DNS settings may prevent you from connecting to lab46. This issue may be temporary (indeed, a common error message might be “temporary failure in name resolution”).

At issue is the hostname:

In order for the computer to use this information, it needs to translate the NAME into its corresponding NUMBER (IP address). If DNS/name resolution isn't functioning properly, this clearly won't work.

Instead, substitute with its IP address:

If this works, run with it. Maybe occasionally trying the to see if it starts working.

Not working, then working even less

If you were persistent in trying to connect, but kept being unable to log in, then eventually it seems to work even less (ie you were getting a password prompt, and now the connection times out after hanging for a while), you may have gotten yourself banned.

For security reason, aggressive and invalidate attempts to connect may end up in a ban list (for security purposes: lab46 and any publicly-accessible system is CONSTANTLY under attack, where the attacker/bot is attempting to gain access, but has nothing better to do than continually guess).

If you suspect this is the case, determine your IP address:

And check this page to see if your IP address shows up on it:

If it does, get in contact with me (e-mail to or reach out in the Discord), and we can get you unbanned.

haas/spring2024/common/helpances/loginissues.txt · Last modified: 2020/08/24 21:15 by