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Video Wall Construction


This project will have you putting together a tiled display wall and logically joining all the screens together.


To do this project, you will need to have successfully completed:


You will need:

  • at least 2 computers (with a basic Linux install, Debian tends to stay out of your way more than Ubuntu)
  • each computer equipped with a dual-head video card
  • four LCDs (two driven by each computer)
    • arranged the LCds into a 2×2 matrix


The concept of a Video Wall (better called “Tiled Display Wall”) is the perfect visual example of High-Performance Computing. Taking multiple independent units, each with a given ability, and allowing them to work together to create a new unit that is more capable than the sum of its parts can be an impressive feat.

But, unlike doing so on a cluster, a tiled display wall can demonstrate these concepts to those not as familiar with such concepts.


The process of performing this project will include roughly the following:

  • get X up and running on both machines
    • get dual head operation up for both heads
  • obtain Xdmx (you may have to grab this file from a Debian Etch system, even if you're running a more modern release)
  • configure Xdmx (be mindful of screen offsets with respect to monitor panes)
  • run it, along with other bits (Window Manager, if desired)
  • demonstrate the connected nature of the monitors
haas/spring2011/hpc0/projects/video_wall_construction.txt · Last modified: 2011/02/25 13:37 by