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Week 7 Message

Here we are, a week and a half back since the break week. I ended up not sending a message last week as many of you were already in the swing of things, and we're at the point of implementation where there is both considerable yet somewhat repetitious work.

Both the 8085 and 6502 implementations are coming along. Some great references have been obtained in electronic format (located in the pdfs/ directory in the repository). Information on both chosen processors.

There has also been an increase in visits to the “LAIRbrary”… there are a number of various Computer Organization and Digital Electronics books that people have been sifting through to fill in various gaps.

If you still find you have any questions, be sure to ask! Me, someone else in the class, #csci on irc, the mailing list…

All in all, I'm largely impressed with what has been come up with on the project. This has been a great learning experience for everyone involved, and while there are certainly still areas to iron out, to everyone that regularly partakes in Computer Organization conversations in the LAIR or on irc, asking questions, getting clarification… good work.

Understanding of this stuff really does come most effectively when we are all bouncing questions off one another and being collaboratively involved. A lot of the realizations are that a lot of over-thinking is taking place, and that the confusing concepts are really rather simple, but the mind is obfuscating its simplicity.

So keep up the good work.

haas/spring2011/asm/week7.txt · Last modified: 2011/03/16 21:40 by