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wcp1 (due 20240828)
wcp2 (due 20240904)
pct0 (bonus; due 20240905)
pct1 (bonus; due 20240905)
pct2 (due 20240905)
abc0 (due 20240906)
gtf0 (due 20240911)
pct3 (bonus; due 20240911)
wcp3 (due 20240911)
dtr0 (due 20240918)
pct4 (due 20240918)
wcp4 (due 20240918)
pct5 (bonus; due 20240926)
stl0 (due 20240926)
wcp5 (due 20240926)
gfo0 (due 20241002)
pct6 (due 20241002)
stl1 (due 20241002)
wcp6 (due 20241002)
pct7 (bonus; due 20241009)
stl2 (due 20241009)
wcp7 (due 20241009)
bwp1 (bonus; due 20241016)
pct8 (due 20241016)
ptb0 (due 20241016)
wcp8 (due 20241016)
pct9 (bonus; due 20241023)
ptb1 (due 20241023)
wcp9 (due 20241023)
gfo1 (due 20241030)
pctA (due 20241030)
ptb2 (due 20241030)
wcpA (due 20241030)
pctB (bonus; due 20241106)
wcpB (due 20241106)
wus0 (due 20241106)
pctC (due 20241113)
wcpC (due 20241113)
wus1 (due 20241113)
pctD (bonus; due 20241120)
wcpD (bonus; due 20241120)
wus2 (due 20241120)
bwp2 (bonus; due 20241204)
gfo2 (due 20241204)
pctE (bonus; due 20241204)
wcpE (bonus; due 20241204)
bwp3 (bonus; due 20241206)
bwp4 (bonus; due 20241206)
EoCE (due 20241216)

Corning Community College

ENGR1050 C for Engineers

PROJECT: Assorted Beginning Concepts (ABC0)


To get started on the course and semester. Bootstrap your access and configuration of various resources, following instructions, contributing to documentation, and asking questions in the discord.


You will want to go here to edit and fill in the various sections of the document:

ABC0 documentation


Get on discord and into class channels

After accessing the syllabus/course home for c4eng you will find two large grey boxes containing information about the course such as name and time of the course, the instructor as well as contact information and even what room the course takes place in. However, at the very bottom of the second grey box you will find a list of three links to various different websites. The first of the three links says “Discord” next to it. This link is an invitation link to the discord server for the course. If you click on this link, enter a display name for discord or click on “Already have an account?” you will then be entered into the class discord channel “generalchat”. After entering this channel you can then look to the middle left of the screen and find a different channel labeled “c4eng”, in this channel you can announce who you are, ask questions about various projects and many more things.

Log into Lab46 (shell)

First go to your start menu by either clicking the windows button on your keyboard or clicking the windows icon in the bottom left (Windows 10)/ bottom middle (Windows 11). After this click into the search bar and begin typing “command prompt”, after only a few letters a command prompt app should appear and should be clicked on. Once in the command prompt window enter “ssh” space your user name such as skephart and, so it should look like this “ssh”, Then click enter. You will then be asked if the website can be trusted, simply type “yes” and again hit enter. Then you will be prompted for you password for lab 46, Regardless of wether you changed your password to enter lab 46 in a web browser, this prompt is looking for the original corning ID# password such as C12345678. When typing in this password it will not appear and stay completely invisible so just type the password in blind and hit enter. If done correctly there should be a large welcome to lab 46 banner that comes up directly afterwards.

*Disclaimer : Above Directions pertain to a windows based device*

Clone lab46 semester repo on lab46

SSH and log into Lab46, type and run command “fixrepo”, read and follow directions from on-screen prompts if they appear.

Log into Lab46 wiki

In the top right corner of the Lab 46 system there is a log in button. Click the log in button and enter your current username and password. The current username is the beginning of your corning email before the @ symbol, such as the skephart out of The current password is a capital C and then your Corning ID number such as C00207482. After this you are successfully logged in and may access the site fully and even change you password.

Set up personal development system
Clone lab46 semester repo on your system

SSH and log into Lab46, type and run command “fixrepo”, read and follow directions from on-screen prompts if they appear.

Create info.text file with information

Open up the command prompt by typing in “cmd” into your computer's search bar. A large box block will appear with the line “C:\Users\YourName>”. Log into your Lab46 Shell, remember that you can't see your password when typing it in.

Once you're logged in, use the “touch” command to create a new file. Type in “touch filename” then hit enter, then the file will be created. Next, type in “vim filename” to open up the text editor.

In the vim, press “i” to enter INSERT mode: you can see your mode in the bottom left. Text file should contain…

  1. Your preferred name
  2. CCC program you are taking (such as Engineering Science)
  3. Your preferred contact email
  4. Your discord username
  5. Any other information you deem important to include

Hit “ESCAPE” key to exit INSERT mode. After you've finished, type “:wq”, which can be seen in the bottom left, to save and exit the vim then press enter. Double check that it was saved by returning to the vim before closing the cmd program.

Create and execute hello.c

Inside of a directory of your choice, create a textfile named “hello.c” using the command “vim hello.c”. Once inside this textfile press “i” in order to enter insert mode, after entering insert mode, enter this string of commands into you text file -

#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() {



After entering this code press the escape key in order to exit insert mode. After exiting insert mode type “:wq” and press enter in order to save and quit the text.file. After saving and quitting out of the textfile, type in the command “gcc -o hello hello.c” and press enter in order to compile the textfile. If you receive errors simpling read through them and fix the problems listed in the text file (you can re enter the textfile using the command “vim hello.c” and you can save and exit the same way as before). If you receive no errors, then you can type in the command “./hello” and press enter. If you have done everything correctly, there should be a message appear in between two of your command lines that says “Hello,World!”.

Locate journal and customize title and intro

Near the top left corner of the wiki page, in a gray box below the logo, you will find a link titled “Journal” which you can click and be directed to a page. Fill in the necessary information with your name, hobbies, and write down in the journal both the day of your entry and what you did in class or out of class for that day. You can do this by clicking the “Edit” button located at the bottom right corner of each section. Be sure to delete the filler text in each section before beginning to input your own words.



To be successful in this project, the following criteria (or their equivalent) must be met:

  • Project must be submit on time, by the deadline.
    • Late submissions will lose 33% credit per day, with the submission window closing on the 3rd day following the deadline.
  • All code must compile cleanly (no warnings or errors)
    • Compile with the -Wall and –std=gnu18 compiler flags
    • all requested functionality must conform to stated requirements (either on this document or in a comment banner in source code files themselves).
  • Executed programs must display in a manner similar to provided output
    • output formatted, where applicable, must match that of project requirements
  • Processing must be correct based on input given and output requested
  • Output, if applicable, must be correct based on values input
  • Code must be nicely and consistently indented
  • Code must be consistently written, to strive for readability from having a consistent style throughout
  • Code must be commented
    • Any “to be implemented” comments MUST be removed
      • these “to be implemented” comments, if still present at evaluation time, will result in points being deducted.
      • Sufficient comments explaining the point of provided logic MUST be present
  • No global variables (without instructor approval), no goto statements, no calling of main()!
  • Track/version the source code in your lab46 semester repository
  • Submit a copy of your source code to me using the submit tool by the deadline.

Submit Tool Usage

Let's say you have completed work on the project, and are ready to submit, you would do the following:

lab46:~/src/SEMESTER/DESIG/PROJECT$ submit DESIG PROJECT file1 file2 file3 ... fileN

You should get some sort of confirmation indicating successful submission if all went according to plan. If not, check for typos and or locational mismatches.


I'll be evaluating the project based on the following criteria:

13:abc0:final tally of results (13/13)
*:abc0:submitted information for project by duedate [3/3]
*:abc0:got situated in and used class discord [3/3]
*:abc0:contributed to project documentation [1/1]
*:abc0:committed project related changes to semester repo [3/3]
*:abc0:logged into lab46 via SSH [3/3]

Pertaining to the collaborative authoring of project documentation

  • each class member is to participate in the contribution of relevant information and formatting of the documentation
    • minimal member contributions consist of:
      • near the class average edits (a value of at least four productive edits)
      • near the average class content change average (a value of at least 128 bytes (absolute value of data content change))
      • near the class content contribution average (a value of at least 1kiB)
      • no zero-sum commits (adding in one commit then later removing in its entirety for the sake of satisfying edit requirements)
    • adding and formatting data in an organized fashion, aiming to create an informative and readable document that anyone in the class can reference
    • content contributions will be factored into a documentation coefficient, a value multiplied against your actual project submission to influence the end result:
      • no contributions, co-efficient is 0.50
      • less than minimum contributions is 0.75
      • met minimum contribution threshold is 1.00


  • Solutions not abiding by spirit of project will be subject to a 50% overall deduction
  • Solutions not utilizing descriptive why and how comments will be subject to a 25% overall deduction
  • Solutions not utilizing indentation to promote scope and clarity or otherwise maintaining consistency in code style and presentation will be subject to a 25% overall deduction
  • Solutions not organized and easy to read (assume a terminal at least 90 characters wide, 40 characters tall) are subject to a 25% overall deduction
haas/fall2024/c4eng/projects/abc0.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/31 13:30 by