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Shane Smith spring 2016 Opus



I'm Shane Smith. I enjoy all sorts of coding so far. I am doing coding to make games though. I like D&D and all kinds of games. Video or not it all good.



Well we have done a lot so far in week of UNIX. We have all got access to the lair and have login to it. We have all hopefully changed are passwords as well. From my last lab46, there wasn't a Tip turtle. I LOVE HIM. The best part of this Journal entry is that it means I have finished the last step to the project UXI0!


This week we have learn quite a bit. My favorite so far has to be the philosophy of Unix. Small thing are beautiful, Do one thing and do that one thing extremely well, and everything is a file. I love this because of how it is. But i also like pips we use. That tool helped with project so that's really good.


We have learned a lot in this week. I hope everyone enjoy the talk about pips. Its something I'll always remember. This pip links everything together and makes use of more then one command at a time. We also learned by the project how to look up what a file actually is and then decode it!


In this week we have learned a lot about Vi and its properties. Vi is an editor that has a lot to it and is configurable. It allows one to set numbers on the side and remembers one's spot. Its got a hard layout for controls but if a person gets the control its faster and much more efficient. I can delete a whole like just by tapping d d and its amzing!


This week had one of my favorite commands. They are called wild cards and they make everything go faster. To be honest the * is my special one. We also learned that Ctrl r is a search command. I like this and history to save me time. To go straight to a command though I have to use the ! and a number of what time I used a command. We also learned about paths which are very helpful.


This week was full of stuff! Some more interesting then others but all pretty good. We learned about small editing and scripts play which will help with the project this week. We learned also how the && and and also the || or are key for true and false and help with testing. Just as the [ helps with testing. But what is really fun is how we killed stuff. Mainly cat though. We froze a couple and hangup on some. We got to nuke one! That's always a good time but i think its so special because we should just nuke everything, got to really think about it.


This week was pretty fun. We did some scripting for the shell. I really enjoy the game even though it was simple. I made a program where the computer would try to guess the number you were thinking instead of the other way around. But i still like the idea. Probably the most i enjoy about it though was adding cheat codes. In a lot of new games there isn't really cheat codes so i kinda forgot about them. Now that we added them i want to bring back the cheat code into the games i have been making.


This week was full of stuff no one really thinks about in till shown. Like what Endianness your computer starts in? Big endian or little endian. Which just mean what byte it takes in first. The biggest byte or the smallest one. We also learned about regular expressions and extended ones. Depending what programs your in, This can be a good way to make things work much more smooth and fast.


We did a lot on this the project this week. We got some new tools called binhaxx which helps us with this project but we also learned the basic operations to do the work on paper. But the most interesting thing we talked about to me at least is how we aren't different from electricians really because our brains starts with electrical first. We also went over how to find the latest versions of software and programs. You got to pay attestation to the dates and also the actual version that it is.


We went over Regular expression again but in a different way. Instead of using grep like we have in past we instead went through using VI! it seem to really speed up editing futures then keying around for while changing each one. I even got some example we did and shall put down one for later. :%s/\<\(the\)\>/a“\1”/g


We have drive into deeper parts of the regular expressions and started to make are own scripts. We also looked at some of his scripts which is kinda cool. We so the scripts called last that show how long people were log on. We also saw idler that shows people that haven't been active. Also He stressed that we take time into our scripts and that we need to take small steps for huge scripts. Keep it simple for complex tasks.


We are going hard on the regular expression which is a good thing. It is helping us on the gfo0 project. He is showing us the tools we can use and how it will with our scripting. Some thing we went over is how grep -v is a inverse. Sed seems to makes things more complex but a very useful tool. I am still trying to wrap my head around everything we are learning.


Well it looks like the EoCE are off the starting line and are begin to race. Looks like a lot of work and i get to get started right away. We pretty much just went over the EoCE today and that is probley the last class time we will have. I will still be showing up even though i hit every day besides one, hopping for some bonus points to get a better grade. I am not failing right now and i don't believe i will fail this class. I just want to make sure i don't and also get around an 80-90 grade.


I worked alot on 0x0 and got about half of it done. answer half of the question now working on programing part. i skiped 0x1 only because i have to write down everything i did. It will probley be last thing i do. i have finished 0x2 and just haven't hand it in yet. I am more worried about finishing it at this point. i will make sure it is done before this is over. Not sure how to do 0x3 yet working on it.

blog/spring2016/ssmit135/start.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/18 16:05 by