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C/C++ Programming Journal

January 19th, 2016

Today was the first day of class. We went over the basics, what we will be learning throughout the semester, what the professor expects, and so on. We were also shown how to login to “lab46” via the terminals. I am looking forward to this semester and this class. I have some previous knowledge with C/C++ and spent some time researching it so I think it should help me out a little.

Janurary 21st, 2016

The second day of lecture we went over some basics about how to start a program and went over some binary, octo,etc. Then we got into how to set up our bitbucket repo with our lab46 account so we can push, pull, commit, and so on via the terminals.

Janurary 28th, 2016

I have reviewed our next assignment due next week. I am having some issues trying to figure out how sucessfully ask for users input and how to store their input and compute the square root of said numbers. I am reading up more on how to sucessfully do so and I think I grasped the idea of how to do and I believe I can now jump in on my next program!

February 4th, 2016

We were presented the project “dow0” which makes us create a program using a series of mental math techniques to calculate the day give any year within the 21st century and the program in the end needs to output which day that falls on.

February 9th, 2016

Today I finished up my DOW0 assignment and this was by far one of the trickiest assignments I have worked on in awhile. With using several series of mental math techniques which got me thinking and had to do a lot, and a lot! of research. It helps that I have played around with C and some other languages so I could implement some for loops and arrays to this program which by far saved me some time on. I have been learning a lot from both Joe's class and the Tuesday and Thursday's lectures and on top of researching and looking at example programs, I think that'll help me out more and more. Also I could look back on old projects I did before and see if I can come up with some ideas.

February 18th, 2016

Over the course of our break week I have been working several hours a day on our mbe0 project. It seems to be getting easier and gets me to think more with the mental math techniques we've been learning. I have been searching online for any help and tips to help me complete my project. I also have broken down my project into several little projects, which helps me more and makes it less stressful. It takes the load off and lets me look at the project in little parts at a time.

Feburary 25th, 2016

So I have been working on our new project PNC0, this project seems to becoming harder then I expected. I have been refrencing back to all my past projects and I think I understand now. I am making little projects to help work up to the bigger projects.

March 7th, 2016

MBE1, this is the project of the week I am working on. The mental math projects always get me to think more and open my mind up to doing things differently than I am typically used to. These always pose some problems for me but with the examples posted on the assignment I should be able to gain a better understanding. Also the MBEO project due a few weeks back also will help me.

March 15th, 2016

I missed week 7's opus entry so this will be weeks 7's and then I will do another entry today or tomorrow for week 8. I have been assigned an assignment that deals with external libraries “COS0” this is by far my most enjoyed assignment. It is neat to see how I can manipulate images, shapes, lines, text, etc. with code!

March 15th, 2016

The next C project we are assigned is SAM0 which has something to do with encryption techniques. I learned a decent amount from a few semesters back in Joe's class and we even created some sample programs, although that was in VBS Basic we still learned about it and I am looking forward to it!

April 1st, 2016

CBF0, this is so far an interesting program I am working on. This is the first time I have ever played around with terminal sizing, displaying an error if the terminal is too small and so forth. I am running into some problems with the displaying of the ascii characters but it seems like a really fun project and I am looking forward on working on it more.

April 4th, 2016

As the last few days of this project deadline comes about I have made some good progress and it is almost finally completed. I am having some trouble display ASCII characters of the opened file and the displaying colors as an extra bonus.

April 12th, 2016

I am learning more and more about C/C++ with the help of Joe/Matt along with researching and looking at previous projects. I am completing my afn0 project now. Having some issues with the for loop of the project but I think I have an idea of how to complete it successfully.

April 16th, 2016

New project, gfo0. Seems to tie in a lot to similar projects am a little stuck on some parts of the project but I am sure I can figure it out. The semester is going by quick, I have learned a lot from this class along with Joe's tonight as well.

April 22nd, 2016

EOCE…. woah, this looks like a huge project but the long due date should give me plenty of time to work on this and master it. It might be a little hard to create a C++ variance of this program but I am sure I can figure it out. Seems very interesting. This class flew by…

April 25th, 2016

Completed my first program, 0x0. Now I am working on 0x0 after I am done with my programs I will go through again and edit and revise them to make sure they are the best I can do before our deadline which as of today is about 17 days. After my programs I will work on our journal questions.

May 6th, 2016

EOCE, getting a slow start on this assignment unfortunately but with all day today, tomorrow, and the weekend I should get some pretty decent progress on it. Seems to be a very interesting project and I am looking forward to doing it and completing it.

blog/spring2016/snicho15/journal.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/06 14:38 by snicho15