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Mitch Z's Opus

Spring: 2016 Edition


Potato. That is all.

C/C++ Programming Journal

May 3, 2016

On this final episode of Dragon Ball C: We goofed off in class and focused on some projects. It was fun.

Apr. 14, 2016

Last time on Dragon Ball C:

  • “Friends” were described. Being friends means the class can touch another friends private parts.
  • Being friends with another class became easier than face book! Just tag them with the friend tag
  • Also, I should probably look at some more examples of friends..

Apr. 8, 2016

Last time on Dragon ball C:

  • Joe decided to pull out the bitmap standard and explain more about it.
  • Inheritance was discussed over a few episodes within lecture
  • Mitch learned a valuable lesson “You cant have access to your parent's private areas”

Mar. 24, 2016

Well, class flew by. So I'll keep this short and sweet. So pretty much just look in my cprog directory and look into the rectangle.h file. Main file is has end of .cc, .cpp, .C, .c++, cxx. I'll look into more c++ structure. Just look into the .cc file for more info.

Mar. 21, 2016

Multiple functions can be very useful. use these to pass on variables and functions to make less lines of code overall. See example fpf.c in my src/cprog directory on lab46. Aside from that, logic functions were discussed more in regards of computing functions.

Mar. 14, 2016

Arrays were discussed more now. To make sure that the slots in an array are secured (wipe data from the slots), malloc it. It'd look very similar if I were to calloc it. Just look up examples of these online. As far as I know, I can only get away without either of these for an array if I am the only user using the program, and/or if I am on my own computer. Other than that, printing graphics to the screen was discussed.

Mar. 6, 2016

Functions are a core component of any programming language. In C, there can only be one per function. Parameters are the parameters of the function. When compiling, adding a -g at the end of the line add in a debugging tool. It slows the program down a little. To use it, use gdb ./program. Then use run command to run program. Any arguments come afterward. To anylize it, use type in bt.

Feb. 29, 2016

These last few weeks, arrays were discussed. An array utilizes a chain of memory 'slots' that are next to one another. An array, when started, will either clear those slots or just write over them, keeping the information that isn't written over. How arrays can be used though, that's a whole different matter that I've yet to understand.

Feb. 12, 2016

If-then statements were covered more in depth. In addition, the the gnu collection compiler was discussed more in full. The compiler can be stopped at any of the 4 steps that it goes through when compiling. Goto statements were covered as well, although it isn't recommended that it should be used.

Feb. 8, 2016

Throughout this week, if-then statements were discussed. Common in other languages, if-then statements work just the same, even with the inclusion of else. However, there are else if statements that will allow statements that essentially mean “but if this happens, do ___”.

Feb. 2, 2016

This week, I've been confused with the arc0 project. Part of it was the fact that I forgot how to cd into the archive's directory. The other part of it is the fact that I can't find a way to extract the files from the archive. I did remember that screen -r takes me to the class chat though.

Jan. 25, 2016

I'm beginning to learn more about how the the unix operating system. Unix is a move to focus OS, unlike Windows that is click to focus. Left clicking opens the main menu, where one can exit or open web browsers. Hopefully I'll get more acquainted with unix operating systems in the future.

UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal

Apr. 14, 2016

Today we fiddled around with the the ttol file. I've started working on the gfo0 project and am planning on how to go about it. I'll comment the script of my thought process once I've figured out the whole project.

Apr. 12, 2016

Well, We covered the project of the week. We also discussed how there are various ways to complete tasks. Some are more optimized for the specific task at hand while others are less so.

Apr. 7, 2016

  • A potato said hello. And then I woke up
  • /var/log/wtmp * is an interesting place. Try ls it
  • last is also something interesting
  • Moar character searches and stuff
  • \( and \) mean expression

Mar. 21, 2016

A lot happened in UNIX class today. However, a lot of functions were used. Head, tail, and a bunch of others. However, all could be read on the udr2 projects. Just man all the functions

Mar. 21,2016

The dd function works a lot like cat. It can be used to copy certain sections of a file via bytes.See the manual for more info on this. In addition there are regular expressions. Floating dot means match any single char, * is 0 or more of the previous, []char class, match any one enclosed chars. [^ ] inverted char class, do not match any one of the enclosed chars. \< match start of word, \> match end of word. ^ match start of line, $ match end of line, ? means match preceding thing 0 or 1 times. + means 1 or more of the previous (not all tools support these).

Mar. 14, 2016

This week was just a bunch more scripting. It's very similar to regular coding, however it's with plain old command line commands. Nothing new was really learned so I guess I'll just keep this week short. Potato.

Mar. 6, 2016

Scripting can be done to make command operation based tasked possible. Simply type the commands into the file and then run it. No compiling needed. #!/bin/bash allows the use of command line commands.${var.}isolates variables, allowing for expansion without confusion. Use spaces if they're needed. Don't if they aren't. bc stands for binary calculator. Use bc -l if you want float variable.

Feb. 29, 2016

Today the kill command was discussed. It's a basic process but it has the capability to end almost any process. ps is a command that shows all of the running processes on the pc. In addition, one can pause a process via ctrl^Z. It can then be looked up with the custom, three letter command: jobs.

Feb. 12, 2016

This week, the root of the system was discussed. A unix operating system is structured in a way where it al starts at one point, but that point splits off into more and those so on and so forth. with basic commands (CD ..) one can get into the the root directory. After all, in the unix world, everything is a file. Everything.

Feb. 9,2016

This week, path structures were embedded into my head. By cd'ing into the home directory (root), one can look at all of the files in a system. With the command ls -l, one can look at files in respect to permissions. The lines would be divided as such: -|—|—|— where the first part defines the file, the second is what the user has access to, third being what the group has access to and finally the last one with what the world has access to. r, w, x all mean read only, write only, and executable only respectively.

Feb. 2, 2016

This week, I've been confused with the arc0 project. Part of it was the fact that I forgot how to cd into the archive's directory. The other part of it is the fact that I can't find a way to extract the files from the archive. I did remember that screen -r takes me to the class chat though.

Jan. 25, 2016

I'm beginning to learn more about how the the unix operating system. Unix is a move to focus OS, unlike Windows that is click to focus. Left clicking opens the main menu, where one can exit or open web browsers. Hopefully I'll get more acquainted with unix operating systems in the future.

blog/spring2016/mzarnoch/start.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/18 21:05 by